Case Study : Terimee Facebook Fans Page

There are 2 part in this article, first would be the presentation of statistics log, and the second part of it some elaboration on the numbers.

First, take a look at the journey of Terimee Facebook Fans Page towards 10,000 fans:

The overall project started on 1st October, 2011, as covered in 我和我的小三

6/1/12 - 7,169 like this, 2,924 talking about this (~41% of fans count is in active status)

7/1/12 - 7,646 like this, 3,879 talking about this (~51% of fans count is in active status)

9/1/12 - 7,825 like this, 5,212 talking about this (~67% of fans count is in active status)

12/1/12 - 8,307 like this, 5,640 talking about this (~68% of fans count is in active status)

17/1/12 - 10,000 like this, 6,723 talking about this (~68% of fans count is in active status)

Below are some screen shots made from time to time in support of above mentioned figures:

Lessons From Terimee Online Campaign

Though the info we have here may not be the full picture and most likely only a tip of the iceberg, there are still some lessons we can learn from it:

1. Work with the best people to get the best results! Remember the lesson: Pay Peanut, Get Monkey.

2. The golden rules:

apply here as well for online community, simply illustrate:
Facebook not equal activities, activities not equal money.
In other words, having a Facebook page or an online community doesn't mean you will have engage them with activities, and having a large pools of fans doesn't mean you are able to monetize on it. Just as what we have covered in 虚拟大国诞生,第三波淘金潮在 Facebook : 一个 Facebook 粉丝值多少钱? 答案是:最高可达 136美元,关键是:你会变现吗?

3. A branding effect & promotional effectiveness report that conventional A&P (Advertising & Promotion) not able to provide will be complemented by your online presence (such as the Facebook Insights Report Tools). This doesn't mean that radio, TV, printed media, billboards etc are not important, but setting a portion of marketing budget to new medium will definitely give your business a boost (over your competitors who are still sleeping).

Please note that the info used as case study are only those available to public (for instance, the no. of fans, no. of people talking about this), simply click LIKE on Terimee Facebook Fans Page to follow the progress in real time (for what you can see).

Once you get used to online marketing, the tools and resources available in this medium, you are sure to love the powerful leverage it could bring!

In summary, a correct mixed portion of conventional and new medium marketing channel will give your branding and marketing effort a boost. Seek a good professional consultation for a custom made business solution, as every business case is unique, just as conventional advertisements you see on TV.




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