Run On Banks: Greece

Fear is a powerful motivator. If my money was going to drop 50% I'd take it out ASAP, wouldn't you?

Run on banks started in Greece ... It is imperative that we all understand that just because the global financial system works a certain way today does not mean that it must always work that way...Read more at The Bank Runs in Greece Will Soon be Followed by Bank Runs in Other European Nations

If you have a few minutes, watch an incredible speech by a 12-year-old Canadian girl named Victoria Grant. In this 6 minute speech, she details how the bankers are defrauding the people of Canada and how the Canadian government does not actually need to borrow a single penny from the bankers....If a 12-year-old girl can figure this out, then why can't the rest of us?

Check out the video where Victoria Grant spells out the fraud the banks are committing against the people. Victoria Grant explains why her homeland, Canada, and most of the world, is in debt. April 27, 2012 at the Public Banking in America Conference, ...




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