
目前显示的是 2023的博文

Bitcoin & MicroStrategy

 #NFA #DYOR 5 reasons why a spot Bitcoin ETF approval could send BTC price above $100K The price of Bitcoin is determined by the balance between immediate demand and the supply of coins at a specific price level. By offering products where the asset manager retains the management fee, the incentives for providing the product increase significantly. * This means that sales teams at BlackRock, Fidelity, Ark Invest, Bitwise, VanEck, and other issuers will be fully engaged in attracting both internal and external clients. Other funds managed by these multi-trillion-dollar asset managers may also be encouraged to invest in Bitcoin's newly launched ETF. Historically, the ETF industry has witnessed a concentration of assets among the top two issuers.  For example, SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) and iShares Gold Trust (IAU) represent over 85% of the industry's assets under management .  Additionally, the market leader State Street's GLD has an expense ratio of 0.4%, which is considerably ...

LinkedIn Contribution

  Got this message when logging in to Linkedin to post some thoughts related to Digital Asset. Tried two below: All / Business Administration / Business Development How can you use social media to identify new markets? https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/how-can-you-use-social-media-identify-new-tucqf   All / Soft Skills / Strategy How can team members better understand a company's strategy? https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/how-can-team-members-better-understand-companys-strategy-u4zjf Seems interesting. Imagine only answering one question every day; one year down the road, we could have built a contribution of 365 quality thoughts to the community. It is the consistency and discipline that separates professionals from amateurs. How can you use social media to identify new markets? Define your goals and criteria You are going nowhere if you don't know where you want to go. What do you want to achieve through social media? Merely awareness, branding, or conversion into dollars a...

AI 时代做自媒体是机会

  AI 时代做自媒体是机会 可是知道的人有多少人去做? 做的人有多少人持续去做呢? 持续去做的人有多少人方法做对? 方法对的人有多少人愿意 ALL IN 投入更多的时间资源去做呢? 所以你不用去思考别人做不做 这样筛选下来 其实已经没有多少对手了 就像这部影片 已经保姆级实操了 都喂到嘴边了 但是 99.9%的人 看完这部影片还是不做的 所以不用担心知道的人很多 因为做到的人很少 持续做到的人非常少 成为那个勇敢尝试的人 你是不是就比绝大部分的人 多了一个赚钱的出路呢? 【保姆級實操】用免費AI工具做不露臉的獵奇知識頻道,日賺1k美金|世界之最TOP頻道拆解

AI 有多可怕

 AI Can Track you through your WIFI https://fb.watch/oEurmAYLDi/?mibextid=GpiG5r 【#32科技】打败ChatGPT 首款Ai人形智能体!“莓用机器人”Useless Man正式发布!更多黑科技,良心售价9999元! https://fb.watch/oEvhgHatC2/?mibextid=GpiG5r 以上两个视频, 一个正经八百,值得深思; 一个无厘头但耐人寻味。 它们都带出同样的讯息:AI 可以有多厉害,也可以有多可怕。 英语视频简单解说了电影 Eagle Eye AI 布局杀人背后的操作逻辑, 中文视频以趣味的方式带出了在未超越 Point of No Return 之前,我们是否该谨慎、认真的对发展人工智能这一块有更多更深入更全面的思量(甚至借助AI的自我反馈)? 两个视频也同时展现了成功的解说/发布会是可以怎么设计的。 注:以上两个视频皆是社媒AI通过算法推给我滑到的。这个讯息算是“回敬”它的一个小测试。“大家”相互学习。 Seek and you shall find.

Revamping HowTze.com

I decided to revamp my site howtze.com in November 2023, to focus only on travel-related content - bucket lists and footprints . While it started with a strike of " Enough watering other's garden. It is time to water your own garden. ", the process reminds me of pruning bonsai . There are 2 important points to keep in mind: Clarity leads to power Knowledge is power.  Applied knowledge is real power Clarity leads to power. Quantifiable, measurable, graphical elements bring more clarity. How did it start? This has to be traced back to early 2023. I made a New Year resolution to travel overseas, as 2022 was mostly traveling to Sarawak, Borneo for business purposes (Miss Tourism International 2022). Personal resolution 2023: 1) Stay lowkey 2) Make money  3) Travel monthly  Then, the resolution (rather than simply calling it a wish) evolves: Go overseas. ✅ Go overseas every month. Go overseas every month, at least one week per trip. Go overseas every month, at least one we...

BTC Super Cycle

Bitcoin Super Cycle Adoption, supply, institutional demand. increased value of the network as adoption grows (Metcalfe’s law),  increased scarcity due to the halving and  increased institutional adoption. This supercycle will, theoretically, see Bitcoin run up to new all-time highs, from which there will be no further downside, as there will be enough adoption and institutional support to continue to prop up the price. institutions are only one factor here. the market value of a commodity is not derived from centralized entities but rather from decentralized independent actors perceiving value in the commodity...investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is akin to emerging markets investing at this stage in the adoption cycle. Bitcoin itself needs to have perceived value from market participants, or it will not have the staying power.  The Minsky Moment In economics, the very height of the boom cycle, where overvaluation is at its apex just before the bust , is cal...


 家里至少一定要有一个人 #深懂并执行财务运作 理财篇  拿EPF还房贷  值得吗? ▋ 很多长辈常犯的错 今年55岁的他,正感慨着人生好短啊... 没想到那么快就到了退休年龄。 陈先生是个厂工。 打拼了半辈子, 省吃俭用才存到了一点积蓄和退休金。 积蓄放在定期存款, 有大约 RM200k, 每年大概有3%的利息。 EPF户口则有大约RM500k, 每年也能有5%到6%的股息收入。  陈先生有一间小房子。 每个月辛辛苦苦供, 到现在算下来, 也供了差不多25年了。 没想到 RM300k 的房贷, 供了那么久, 竟然还欠着银行 RM130k... 到了这个年纪,谁也不想再负债供房子... 他有点茫然。 听了一些朋友意见, 于是他就把从 EPF里提出了一些退休金, 直接把欠银行的 RM130k 清掉了~ 虽然退休金只剩 RM370k,但是无债一身轻~ 陈先生顿时觉得好轻松! 正在读者文章的你, 身边是不是也有一些长辈们都喜欢这样做? 事实上, 这样做会白白让你损失掉 #几万块, 甚至更多! ▋ 别花10块来省下8块 很多人因为缺乏基本的理财知识, 常常会做出不太正确的财务决定。 就拿陈先生的例子, 首先, 他想还清掉房贷, 想无债一身轻, 这没问题。 问题是, 他用能够获得更高收益的退休金, 去还掉房贷,来省下较低的利息... 这就好像, 你家里有一只每天能生「金蛋」的母鸡, 而外面有债主每天要和你讨「普通鸡蛋」, 你因为不想每天有人和你讨「普通鸡蛋」, 于是你把那只能生「金蛋」的金母鸡给了债主... 变相就是用10块来省8块,还倒亏2块... ▋ 为什么不用6块来省下8块? 不用退休金还的话,要怎么办? 陈先生手上不是还有 RM200k 的定期存款吗? 用它来换掉房贷不就行了? 很多人都没有意识到。 把钱放定期,相等于把钱借给银行。 更没意识到, 你借给银行100块, 银行付你3块的利息。 而你因为要买房跑去跟银行借100块, 然后银行却收你4块的利息... 你白白给银行赚了1块。 这时候你会发现, 放大量现钱在定期, 同时又借房贷的人, 好像有点傻。 这种不合理的分配, 有部分原因是传统思想告诉我们 人一定要有房 有存款! 而存款放在定期是最安全的! ▋ 有现金就不应该借房贷? 那又不一定哦! 这要看你 有没有办法利用现金获得比...

Only Results Matter

1) Make Things Happen 2) Get Things Done 3) Only Results Matter 1) Make Things Happen Start something somewhere somehow. Do what we can, with what we have, where we are, towards where we want to go. 2) Get Things Done Follow through: - No assumption - Meet dateline - Check points / reminders Be effective: - Optimize resource utilization. 最优化资源配置 - Maximize value output. 最大化价值创造 How to serve more and more people with less and less effort? - Leverage on tech - Delegate to leaders 3) Only Results Matter Money talks, bullshit walks. Promises deliver hope. Commitment builds trust. Actions reveal commitment.


 [ 转载 ] 当我去过美国史丹福大学学习及认识了很多优秀的圈子过后,我突然感悟什么叫起跑线。 什么叫起跑线?  我相信玩过富爸爸现金流游戏的朋友应该清楚,在游戏开始的时候,大家都在“老鼠赛道”里面挤,一点点往前挪,靠着微薄的工资托底,一点点做生意、做投资,竞争很激烈,而且成长非常慢,抗风险能力非常小,一点失误、一点意外就一夜回到解放前。 不过,一旦进入“快车道”之后,一切都变了,竟争者非常少,而且自己所有的束缚基本都消失了,你可以自由自在地做任何事情,生命体验完全不可同日而语。 这个“ 赛道理论”很简单粗暴,不是很严谨,但是呢很能说明问题。 赛道理论 赛道选择,竟争维度这些东西是真实存在的,你处在什么维度,你的思考模式就基本固定在那个维度里,很难跳出那个阶层去思考问题。 以在中国教育小孩这件事。普通家庭或小城市的父母,在教育孩子这个问题上,基本都是同一个套路:从小学开始,就让他去最好的小学,找最好的老师,甚至有的从小学开始就内卷,不断刷题,参加竞赛,一切都是为个高考做准备。 能考进北大清华最好,实在不行拼个985也行,最次211吧。不然根本换不回这十几年的投资,以及你的寒窗苦读。 所以,我觉得中国国内的朋友没有童年回忆,只有寒窗苦读。等到大学毕业了,中国一些父母会鼓励你考研、考工务员、考编制、考教师。实在不行进个国企也行。要是还不行,那就只能去私企打工了。 然后就是贷款买车买房,结婚生子,然后再让孩子重复自己的老路,把自己没有完成的梦想寄托到孩子的身上。 从我看来,至少有10亿人走的是这个同样的路径。也就是说,如果让孩子走这条路,他会跟10亿人竞争,非常卷。 但是,从我这个在马来西亚,新加坡,美国上过课的还家庭,作为父母我见过世界,有这样的认知,他们会让孩子在小时候就开始备战雅思托福,也许再大一点就去参加国际的学术夏令营,去做测绘、实验、甚至去观测南极冰川融化数据,去非洲做义工,去联合国科教文组织交流学习……如果有这样的履历基本不用参加国内的高考,直接是能申请世界排名前100的学校。我也跟国内的身边朋友说过,看看哪些有世界观有能力的企业家,当然,还有很多明星、著名主持人,到美国生把孩子,就直接美国身份。 我们国外这些孩子选择面就更广了,他们愿意回来上北大清华就回来读北大清华,不愿意回来就读国外的大学,反正有些大学排名也不在清北之下。 我始终相信这...


貴族真的需要三代才能養成嗎? 有一個說法是,貴族需要三代才能夠培養出來。最粗淺的解讀是,衣食足而知榮辱,祖上積福使下一代不被資源壓迫,而且六親有靠,才讓他們有閒餘去學習變得有教養。 不過先問你一個問題,一個窮人,其實也可以盡量的有禮,有教養,溫文儒雅。即是性情溫和有禮,舉止得體,品格高尚,富有智慧的窮人多的是,那先不講經濟情況,這些人為何不是貴族呢?如果我們說這些人也能是貴族,那豈不是有出息的窮人要成為貴族,根本不需要三代。 這個問題其實我想了很多年,只有隨著年紀增加,我慢慢開始理解是甚麼回事。 首先我們要有一個觀念:冷靜理性不是一種性格, 冷靜理性是一種狀態。 人舉止得體,溫文儒雅,品格高尚... 是一種狀態,那是代表他目前身處的環境容許他這樣表現出來, 衣食足而知榮辱 ,不是說有了財富就會變得有教養,而是「衣食不足榮辱就會消失」,人類受到物理的生存資源壓迫,很多態度都難以維持。 是的,我是說,你看到每一個溫文儒雅的人,只要面對資源極度貧乏,生死存亡的時刻,只要他求生存,他都會不再優雅。 請看清楚,這裡是「求生存」,他要保持教養到最後,就像鐵達尼號的紳士一樣,將最後的生存機會讓予別人,最後就是消滅而消失。也就是說, 物競天擇這回事,去到極端的情況,會連教養與高貴也是一種有礙生存的缺點 ,而淘汰掉這些人。 能適者生存的人,終究榮辱就是有界線的。 你我也一樣,今天你我看來能理性地談話,談論人如何變得高貴的話題,只因為我們目前生存不叫受太大的威脅。 每人只是容忍程度不一樣,但如果我們不堅持優雅地死亡,那就有一條使我們走向蠻荒的界線。因此,請直接排除那些堅持品格然後死掉的人,他們成為了烈士之後就是消失。烈士是偉大的,但並不會是大部份人類可以及應該學習的對象。 我們能生存下來就是因為我們不選擇當烈士,或者未有機會要我們去選擇。 故此,維持我們的品位,基礎是環境不變得太惡劣,我們之所以追求高貴,而不至於下流野蠻,是因為環境充足友善。 這也意味著,「貴族」之所以是貴族,先決條件就是環境容許,他再發展出配得起及超越環境的品格,那就是貴族。 那麼一定會有疑問是,白手起家的暴發戶不就有錢了嗎?那他們的環境不夠好嗎?我直接回答,是,有錢不導致環境充裕。 因為我指環境從來都不止是「錢」或「物質」,這兩者只是入門。 環境也包括了你四周的親族,社會關係,即是你有甚麼親族,社會怎樣看你,你有...

Stablecoin, Bitcoin, US Dollar

Bitcoin-backed Dollar? Countries adopting a bitcoin standard will be a Trojan horse for continued global dollar dominance. ...imagine the possibility of moving stablecoins around the world, instantly and for nearly zero fees. Zooming out, we can see that since March 2020, the stablecoin supply has grown from under $5 billion to over $150 billion.  What I find most interesting is not the rate of growth of stablecoins, but which stablecoins are growing the fastest. After the recent Terra/LUNA debacle, capital fled from what’s perceived to be more “risky” stablecoins like tether, to more “safe” ones like USDC.  This is because USDC is 100% backed by cash and short-term debt. BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager and recently headlined a $440 million fundraising round by investing in Circle. But it wasn’t just a funding round; BlackRock is going to be acting as the primary asset manager for USDC and their treasury reserves, which is now nearly $50 billion. Tether has been...

CT Summary 14th Nov 2023

Summary 14th Nov 2023 1️⃣ Funding Rates is one yardstick relate to our Digital Asset (BTC in specific) management business. News: https://cointelegraph.com/news/funding-rates-69k-btc-price-5-things-bitcoin-this-week 2️⃣ Daily BTC mining revenue hit USD 44 million On Nov. 12, the daily Bitcoin mining rewards crossed $44 million for the first time in 2023, a number last seen in April 2022, according to data from blockchain.com.  Alongside Bitcoin mining companies and individual miners, numerous countries actively participate in securing the Bitcoin network via mining. News: https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-mining-revenue-44-m-annual-all-time-high Data: https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/charts/miners-revenue 3️⃣ Stablecoin firm Tether minted 4B USDT in 4 weeks: Data <- this is Money Printing News: https://cointelegraph.com/news/tether-issues-4-billion-usdt-4-weeks 4️⃣ Bitcoin institutional inflows top $1B in 2023 amid BTC supply squeeze Crypto institutional product AUM up...

Blockchain and Altcoin Projects (Ripple, Cardano, Solana)

Blockchain. Bitcoin. Money. People. Process. Technology. To explore Blockchain,  we need to study Bitcoin,  because Bitcoin is the first, proven Blockchain.  To understand Bitcoin,  we need to know what is money  and how it works.  People-centric, lean process  with technology as the enabler. "Why is it a powerful tool for creating regenerative economies?  Because we have this power of smart contracts.  We have this power of programmable money.  You can build the rules for an economy right down at the code level, at the protocol level." ~ Daniel Kelleher, founder of Sunrise Stake Presentation File:  https://www.slideshare.net/howtze/blockchain-bitcoin-money Transcript:  https://www.slideshare.net/howtze/mblbc-oval-debate-kuala-lumpur Related News: Ripple (Custody): HSBC taps Ripple’s Metaco to launch security token custody Ripple (Payment): Ripple, Onafriq partner for new payment corridors for Africa, UK, Australia and Gulf Car...

Better To Own A Home

10. Keep thinking about tomorrow.  Are you in the best possible career for the rest of your working days?  Should you make a switch? Is your current job in danger?  Set a date every few months to do a career review with a spouse, partner or friend. 11. Your living standard is your bottom line.  Simulate its potential paths based on alternative investment and spending strategies to see where these strategies can land you. 14. No free lunch. All lifestyle decisions — switching careers, moving homes, getting married, having kids, getting divorced — come at a price.  Measure these prices in terms of your sustainable living standard. 5. Owning a home can reduce longevity risk.  Since you are neither buying nor selling your home, who cares what the housing market does? Your housing consumption is guaranteed through the end of your days. 20. Most conventional investment advice is, to be nice, of dubious value.  It’s predicated on you making four major economi...

Work Smart

I’ve built two seven-figure online businesses — a music education company and a business coaching brand.  Combined, they bring in about $160,000 a month in passive income.   I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to create a highly profitable business. I always tell people that if they want to start a side hustle or full-time company, there are three complete lies they need to stop believing:  Lie #1: You have to work a lot of hours to make a great income.  40-year-old works ‘only 5 hours a week’ and makes $160,000/month in passive income  Creating a time constraint will force you to get creative and focused.  Lie #2: You need a large team.  My secret is automation .  I’m a fan of tools that can handle email marketing, webinars, product delivery and content creation.  Lie #3: Your happiness will increase as your income increases.   “Givers Glow.”  https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/02/40-year-old-works-5-hours-a-week-and-makes...