The Irony in the Big Picture.

I chuckle because I see the irony in the big picture.

People invest because they want to get rich.

But because they are not rich, they are not allowed to invest in the investments that could make them rich.

Only if you are rich can you invest in a rich person's investments.

And so the rich get richer. To me, that is ironic.

I think it is really to protect the poor and the middle class from themselves.

Because there are many more bad deals than good deals.

If a person is not aware, all deals - good and bad - look the same.

It takes a great deal of education and experience to sort the more sophisticated investments into good and bad investments.

To be sophisticated means you have the ability to know what makes one investment good and the others dangerous.

And most people simply do not have that education and experience.




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!