
目前显示的是 2009的博文

The Most Powerful Man

Regardless if the currency is in yen,euro, or pesos, with the dollar as the reserve currency of the world, the Fed wields tremendous power of those currencies. The Fed Chairman doesn't have to ask President Obama or the US Congress for permission to do what he wants. When Bernanke wants to print trillions of dollars,he doesn't have to ask permission. He has the ability to print trillions of dollars out of thin air. That's power. The banks that caused the crisis were being bailed out at the same time millions of people were losing their jobs, businesses, and homes. How would you like to have the ability to control the Fed, the US Treasury, and the mega-banks such as Goldman Sachs? That's power. The TIME Magazine article was very kind to the Fed Chairman ... almost kissing his butt. They painted him as a simple genius, born for this time in history in order to save the world economy. Doesn't TIME know the Fed, with its power to print money and create massive debt, is ...

Recent Readings About Malaysia

The top 10 countries for 2010 by Lonely Planet Malaysia Malaysia often gets criticised as being mild in comparison with its grittier neighbours, Thailand and Indonesia. It’s true, natural disasters and coups only seem to happen across its borders, the roads don’t have too many potholes, buses and trains have air-con and plush seats, and hotels are of international standard. While troubles are few, visiting Malaysia lets you leap into the jaws of one of the most interesting parts of Southeast Asia’s roaring cultural smorgasbord – and not be too worried about it. Cheap connections to Europe and great exchange rates mean that you won’t get eaten up by your wallet either. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/malaysia/travel-tips-and-articles/42/15809 Malaysia Continues To Be A Competitive Investment Destination In Asia - due to its well-developed physical and institutional infrastructure compared to other countries on the continent. - a potential investment to tap into in the country, is the halal...

3M讀書會: 【好文分享】很Nice的八句話...

1.「傻瓜繳學費學習,聰明人以傻瓜繳的學費學習」-- 巴西諺語 有一個楞頭楞腦的流浪漢,常常在市場裡走動,許多人很喜歡開他的玩笑,並且用不同的方法捉弄他。 其中有一個大家最常用的方法。 就是在手掌上放一個五元和十元的硬幣,由他來挑選,而他每次都選擇五元的硬幣。 大家看他傻乎乎的,連五元和十元都分不清楚,都捧腹大笑。 每次看他經過,都一再的以這個手法來取笑他。 過了一段時間,一個有愛心的老婦人,就忍不住問他: 「你真的連五元和十元都分不出來嗎?」 流浪漢露出狡黠的笑容說: 「如果我拿十元,他們下次就不會讓我挑選了。」 默想∼ 當人自以為聰明時,其實正顯出愚昧和無知。 讓我們多以柔和謙卑的態度與人相處,那才真正是智者的作為。 2.「多數人的失敗不是因為他們的無能,而是他的心志不專一。」 ----吉魯德 有一個外科醫生告訴學生: 「當個外科醫生,需要二項重要的能力: 第一、不會反胃, 第二、觀察力要強。」 接著,他伸出一隻手指,沾入一碟看來令人作嘔的液體中,然後張口舔舔手指。 他要全班學生照著做,他們只好硬起頭皮照做一遍。 醫生頷首一笑說: 「各位,恭喜你們通過了第一關測驗。 不幸的是,第二關你們都沒通過,因為你們沒注意到我舔的手指頭,不是我探入碟中的那根手指。」 默想∼ 你有沒有仔細而認真的觀察,現在從事的工作是否有不佳之處? 及時調整,永遠不晚。 一個認真的人也必是一個智慧的人。 3.「不要害怕你的生命會結束,而要害怕它從未開始。」 ----格雷斯•漢森 有一個人搭船到英國,途中遇到暴風,全船的人驚慌失措,他看到一個老太太非常平靜的在禱告,神情十分的安詳。 等到風浪過去,全船脫離了險境,這人很好奇的問這老太太,為什麼一點都不害怕。 老太太回答: 「我有兩個女兒,大女兒叫馬大,已經被上帝接走,回到天家,二女兒叫馬利亞住在英國。 剛才風浪大作時,我就向上帝禱告,如果接我回天家,我就去看大女兒, 如果留我性命,我就去看二女兒, 不管去那裡我都一樣,所以我怎麼會害怕呢?」 默想∼ 無論是甚麼樣的遭遇任何事,總不致懼怕。 把命運交託上蒼,充實而用心的過好每一天。 4.「沒有烏雲,沒有暴風雨,便沒有美麗的彩虹。」---- 芬生 有一朵看似弱不禁風的小花,生長在一棵高聳的大松樹下。 小花非常慶幸有大松樹成為她的保護,為它擋風擋雨,每天可以高枕無憂。 有一天,突然來了一群伐木工人,兩...


游走廣告網絡界 劉勝義世界觀開創新人生 - 15年前的中國,無論物資或基本建設,都比我國來得匱乏及落后。 - 許多人都知道中國有個QQ網很火紅。 - 如果一個人的職業生涯要走向專業,稍微宏觀或世界觀的想法,非常重要。 - 始料未及的是,劉勝義卻因為中國太多的發展機會“一去不回頭”,此后沒有想到返馬發展。 - 從當年剛到步時的迷茫,到見證今日的巨龍崛起,提到認為最大的改變時,劉勝義停頓了一下,思索好一會后才緩緩說出:“是人的改變。” - 一個國家面對那么大的全球經濟危機挑戰,還能持續交出這么漂亮的成績單,管理的功力和智慧都很重要,而且管理還講究對于某種理念的持續。 - 人的素質在提升,以及人對未來盼望指數也比往年更高。 - 在中國“水土不服”,沒有改變觀念乃是最大因素,並早已習慣從自己的觀點出發。 - 屬于人才外流的他,以過來人的身分語重心長指出,政府應該避免人才外流,但當務之急必須了解人才的內心需求是什么,並強調以積效為導向的發展空間。 - “大馬要和中國競爭人才會很難,畢竟中國市場大、機會多;但大馬可從安全角度著手,要是治安不好,還有誰敢來?” - 若要啟發一個人的激情,就必須讓他當作經營一份事業而非上班,這已是本質上最大的差異。 - 樹高千丈,落葉歸根 - 每個國家都有自己的問題,大馬這些遺留下來的狀況,至少現在的人要知道怎么去按部就班改正過來。 http://www.chinapress.com.my/topic/business%20weekly04/default.asp?dt=2009-11-29&art=20091129atopic19ee.txt

MOSO lifestyle

As the old saying goes "there is absolutely no certainty in the world except time and change". Yes, at an epistemic level, only time and change remains a certainty in this world as we know it. And as the dawn of a New Year approaches, if we take a look back at the year 2009, we see a multitude of changes that have occurred in just one year. We might not be able to foretell the future but we are pretty good at speculating on what will happen tomorrow based on our current state of existence and how we intend to put things in motion. Living a life with awareness in every single aspect of what we do, is probably the best way to prepare ourselves for the future. It could be the most careful and well thought out method. MOSO MOSO is derived from the term Moderation Society. It is a network which seeks to promote a set of beliefs based on research conducted in 2005. Moderation Society or MOSO is one way to approach the realm of change no matter how it manifests itself. This move...

Corporate Journey Business Resources (132-141)

141. Small Business Answering Service 140. Noise Cancelling Bluetooth Headset for Business 139. Role of Extranet in Business 138. Cheap Business Checks 137. Lateral Thinking Exercises Business Jokes 136. Business Liability Insurance 135. Anglo Irish Bank Business 134. Copycat Recipes Business Jokes 133. Build Business Websites 132. Charging Bull Business Jokes

CoTR Notes (2)

It is interesting to note how hungry the people of emerging countries are to learn. One advantage of writing online was that I could write about things as they were happening. I could write about history as it's being made. Desperate people do desperate things. Because our political leaders are in trouble, they're handing out more money. They are desperate, and they don't want to lose their power. A German style hyperinflation is good for those who know how to borrow tens of millions of dollars at extremely low, non-recourse, fixed, forty-year interest rates, and how to invest those dollars into real assets that produce steady cash flow. Everyone needs a place to live, and we provide safe, well-maintained apartments at reasonable pricing. That's a recipe for success. We continue to operate at a 92 percent occupancy rate, which keeps the cash flowing. Take care and stay vigilant. You are witnessing the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world, and I want to ...

Crisis or opportunity,it's up to you.

As most of the world knows by now, the Fed and most of the world's governments are printing money. In fact, they've printed more money in one year than has been printed in the last one hundred years. So the question is, where has the money gone? If trillions have been printed, why are so many businesses failing, why is unemployment climbing, and why are homes being lost to foreclosure? Some people have received a lot of money, but have YOU received your share of bailout money? Everyday, the Fed is printing tons of dollars. The problem is that this hot money is not getting into the hands of those who need it most. The money is going to those who have connections. The top groups to receive this hot money are the US government, foreigners who borrow the money at zero percent interest, Wall Street, and big corporations. There is not much left over for ordinary people. This is why foreclosures increase, small businesses fail, and unemployment increases. If you are rich and know how ...

六堂课 * 富爸爸不愁穷

一本只需数十令吉就可以买到的书,网络上甚至有电子版本全文可以下载,任何人不花成本就可以知道成为富人的秘密,但是有多少人因此变成有钱人? 1:富人不为钱工作 穷人和中产阶是因为恐惧,害怕失去工作,付不起帐单而工作,最后变成钱的奴隶,把怒气对准老板。 富人则不是为了钱工作,因此可以看到大多数人忙着寻找眼前财富与安定感之外其他的机会。人在一生中若能不断看到机会,就得以避开生活中最大的陷阱,不再恐惧。 2:厘清资产与负债的差别 财务知识如同大厦的地基,要有坚实的地基才能建造稳健的大楼。资产是“能把钱放进口袋的东西”。负债是“能把钱从你口袋取走的东西”。 3:只要关注自己的事业 自己的事业围绕的是自己的资产,而不是收入。 增加的收入用于购买可以产生新收入的资产,才有可能获得真正的财务安全。 当经济衰退来临时,穷人和中产阶级会发现他们最重要的资产,房子,正活活的吃掉每月现金。另外一项资产,汽车,同样没有价值,而且还得缴贷款。若不幸被裁员,简直就是掉入地狱。 真正资产是:不需要到场就可以正常运作的业务,拥有它们,但是有别人经营和 管理,像是:股票,债券,共同基金,创造收入的房地产,票据(借据),专利权或是其他可以创造收入,或是可能增值,并有很好流通性的东西。 4:开源节流 懂法律的人之间,就像是一个会飞和只会走路的人在競赛。富人赚更多钱,缴更少税, 天大秘密就在于富人会将自己的资产,以公司的形式持有。每当遇到法律诉讼时,富人用公司和信托来隐藏财富。 5:训练自己的财务IQ 财务IQ包括4项专业:财物知识,投资战略,市场供给和需求,法律规章。在练习中进步,在错误中领悟。 6:不为金钱工作 当人们因为害怕失去收入而工做时,往往会蒙蔽了双眼。在学习过程中,不要担心,也不要在乎短暂的收入数字。当你累积多专业足以彼此支援时,就更能发挥自己的才华。

CoTR Notes

Since the year 2000, all you would have had to do was watch the Fed print money and then buy gold and silver. In 2000, gold was approximately $275 an ounce, and silver was $4.75 an ounce. Today, an ounce of gold is pushing $1,200, a 430 percent increase; and an ounce of silver is $18, a 380 percent increase. Keep your eye on the ball. Keep up your financial education and don't go into cruise control. Anyone can look smart in a bull market, and most look like fools when that market crashes. After 1971 all major currencies of the world became debt - bonds backed by governments promising that tax payers would pay for the debt via taxes. In other words, after 1971 taxpayers were paying for the blunders of the rich. The rich who made the mistakes will keep the money they made, and the taxpayers will bail them out. Dubai is not the only country doing this. The US, Japan, and England are doing the same. If there is anyone to cry for it is the poor and middle class who ultimately pay the p...

Gold and Silver

China is the biggest miner of gold. China is now encouraging its citizens to hold gold and silver. What will happen when the average American wakes up and begins to buy gold as India and China are doing? Will gold be the next bubble? Today, there is less than one ounce of gold for every person on Earth. There is even less silver per person. And yet, there are tillions of new conterfeit US dollars. As long as the Fed is printing money, don't save dollars - save gold and silver. While gold has been hoarded, silver is being consumed in the electronics industry. Silver is used in every cell phone, computer, and gadget. Silver's only problem is that it is not considered money by central banks - but it is considered essential in industry. With silver under $20 an ounce and gold over $1000 an ounce, silver offers the little guy the last opportunity to save real money rather than counterfeit money. 1 ounce = 28.3495231 grams Words of cautious: There are LOTS OF SCAMS out there. Invest ...

Mad Magazine

Sometimes all you can do is laugh at absurdity.. " In a real capitalist society, when companies fail, they go out of business. But in the U.S. some companies are designated as "too big to fail" and get special treatment. These behemoth institutions are actually allowed to steal money, screw investors, post record losses and still pay out millions of dollars in bonuses to the greedy, incompetent, reckless, white collar, criminal executive scumbags who run them. President Obama was so upset about this that he gave a disapproving speech to Congress before signing off on a multi-billion dollar government bail-out plan. Ain't that America! "~ Corporate Bailouts, Keeping Bad Companies (Mad Magazine, Jan 2010 Issue) The rich who control our world banks have more power than the President of the United States. Mad Magazine may be satire, but what they write it is the sad truth. President Obama states he is upset, yet he must sign multi-trillion dollar bailout plans... b...

Corporate Journey Business Resources (122-131)

131. Denver Business Journal 130. How to Raise Capital for Starting Small Business 129. Grants for Women Owned Businesses 128. Private Investors for Startup Small Business 127. Better Business Bureau in Texas 126. Business Networking Sites 125. Catchy Business Names 124. How to Start A Hot Shot Trucking Business 123. Tourism Properties and Businesses 122. Winning in the Cash Flow Business

Money is an Illusion

The most valuable resource we have is our time, not our money. It is the only limiting factor, and we never know when it will cease to exist. We may think we like money, but what we really like is what we can do with money. Rich people have a lot of money; wealthy people have a positive flow of resources. The real measure of wealth is the flow of resources. When we think about resources instead of money we create and discover new opportunities. It is what we expect to do with money that empowers us to have more. Our most limiting factor in life is time, not wealth. When we learn to balance our lives in ways that give us time to enjoy, to learn, to help others, we are wealthy. When we realize that we can have a great time without spending money, money becomes secondary to happiness. Wealthy people have broken the ties between success and money and wealth and money. Success is being able to do what you are absolutely passionate about doing; being wealthy is having more resources than you...


TO MY FINANCIALLY FOCUSED FRIENDS The Question of the Day is ... Will the Dollar fall or not? Click to view original size image here My advice to all: Just keep or be a Tight Ass! Related: 美元的结局:有控制的归零 (美元崩溃决不意味着美国崩溃) http://howtze.blogspot.com/2009/11/blog-post_25.html Bretton Woods Agreement and The US Debt http://howtze.blogspot.com/2009/11/bretton-woods-agreement-and-us-debt.html

Buckminster Fuller - Everything I Know

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Bucky Fuller was concerned with the question “Does humanity have a chance to survive lastingly and successfully on planet Earth, and if so, how?“ Considering himself an average individual without special monetary means or academic degree, he chose to devote his life to this question, trying to identify what he, as an individual, could do to improve humanity’s condition, which large organizations, governments, and private enterprises inherently could not do. You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. During the last two weeks of January 1975 Buckminster Fuller gave an extraordinary series of lectures concerning his entire life’s work entitled Everything I Know. http://www.bfi.org/our_programs/who_is_buckminster_fuller/online_resources/everything_i_know

Corporate Journey Business Resources (111-120)

121. Las Vegas City Business License 120. Key Peninsula Business Association 119. How to Calculate Mileage for Business 118. Business Like ABC Distributing 117. Free Business Plan Template 116. Locate Business by Fax Number 115. Examples of Business Logos 114. Advantage Disadvantages of e Business 113. Advantages of Extranets for Businesses 112. Business Letter Closings 111. Sunbelt Business Brokers

The Millennium Wave

The Millennium Wave By: John Mauldin 1. Within ten years, most of the world will be able to access cheap (I mean really cheap) high-speed wireless broadband at connection rates that dwarf what we now have. That is going to unleash a wave of creativity and new business that will be staggering, and energy to change the world in ways we can hardly imagine. 2. Because of the internet, the advances of one person soon become known and built upon in a giant dance of collaboration. It is because of this giant dance, this unplanned group effort, that we will all figure out how to make advances in so many ways. (Of course, that is hugely disruptive to businesses that don’t adapt.) 3. Within a few years, it will be hard to keep up with the number of human trials of gene therapy and stem cell research. 4. A whole new industry is getting ready to be born. And with it new jobs and investment opportunities. 5. Energy problems? Are we running out of oil? My bet is that in less than 20 years we won’t c...

Money & You Rules

Why are rules so important? Because in the absence of rules, people make up their own. Here are the rules we play by: 1. Be willing to support our purposes, games, rules and goals. 2. Speak supportively. 3. Acknowledge whatever is being communicated as true for the speaker at that moment. 4. Complete your agreements: a) Make only agreements that you are willing and intend to keep. b) Communicate any potential broken agreement at the first appropriate time. c) Clear up any broken agreement at the first appropriate opportunity. 5. If a problem arises, first look to the system for corrections and then communicate your solution to the person who can do something about it. 6. Be effective and efficient (Optimize every event … more with less). 7. Have the willingness to win and to allow others to win (win/win). 8. Focus on what works. 9. When in doubt, check your intuition. 10. Be responsible – no lay blame or justification. 11. Hold the person “innocent” until proven “guilty”. 12. If an ups...

美元的结局:有控制的归零 (美元崩溃决不意味着美国崩溃)

------------------------------------------------------------ Unfortunately, it is always the little guy that is the last to know, which may be why he is the little guy in the first place. It's OK to be a little guy, but please do not be the last to know. 如何才能看清真相,以何种态度理解当今世界运作的真实状态,这是现实社会中每一个具有独立思考能力的成员都必须要严肃面对,认真思考的重大问题。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 美元崩溃决不意味着美国崩溃,相反,在赖掉所有美元债务后,美国反而得以轻装上阵。 在拥有强大的军事力量、科技创新能力和丰富的资源基础上,美国通过“破产保护”,彻底摆脱债务纠缠,更改世界货币游戏规则。 最终,美国将拿出它压箱底的 8100 吨黄金储备和 3400 吨 IMF 黄金,此时,美国为了“拯救货币信用”,不得不将“新货币”与黄金挂钩,以取信于天下。 当然,世界上缺少黄金储备的国家将是最大输家。 届时,美元失去的不过是一条“债务的锁链”,而得到的将是一个金光灿烂的全新世界。 我们会重蹈 1923 年德国超级通货膨胀的覆辙吗?如果会,那么极少数人开始大规模做空美元就是一个危险的信号弹。 美元的结局:有控制的归零 (Scanned from Currency Wars 2, 宋鸿宾 - 货币战争 2 金权天下): Page 1: http://corporatejourney2u.com/businessresources/viewimage.php?imagesrc=ending-USD-1.jpg&pagetitle=ending-the-US-Dollar Page 2: http://corporatejourney2u.com/businessresources/viewimage.php?imagesrc=ending-USD-2.jpg&pagetitle=ending-th...


任何一个社会都是由人组成的,对社会的研究应该以人为中心,特别是在一个社会中发挥着重大影响力的关键性少数人群。 任何人类社会的结构都是一个典型的金字塔型,关键性的少数人群由于自身的聪明与勤奋,某些情况下也通过暴力与欺诈手段,在社会结构中遂渐向上攀升。 当他们具备足够的财力和影响力时,又会反过来通过改变游戏规则从而巩固和扩大其既得利益,并形成利益互锁的统治精英阶层。 点击此处观看大型原图 Click here for full size image 西方的统治金字塔是以非常隐蔽的债权为链条,将社会各阶层牢牢地维系在一起。在西方社会中,债权人拥有者支配性权利,债务人处于被支配的地位, 而国家机器的主要功能就在于保护和强化这一链条的可靠性 。 在西方,谁是最大的债权人,谁就是游戏规则的最终制定者。 Related: Bretton Woods Agreement and The US Debt US deficit for 2009

US deficit for 2009

On top of that, the $176 billion deficit for October puts the total reported US deficit for 2009 at a record $1.4 trillion, and te US may reach its legal credit limit of $12.1 trillion in December. The US government is at its credit limit. Before the US can borrow more money, the US congress must approve an increase. What does this mean to you? Sometimes it is difficult to understand what this all means because experts use strange jargon, words such as "quantitative easing" which means the government is "printing money". It is also difficult for honest people to understand how bankers can print money and collect interest on counterfeit money. This printing of counterfeit money robs us all, including foreign central banks, because the dollars and bonds we are holding are dropping in value. The US government is using inflation to steal from its own citizens by devaluing their labor and savings. In other words, the more counterfeit dollars the US prints, the more dolla...

Corporate Journey Business Resources (101-110)

110. Starting A Recruiting Business 109. Business Attire for Women 108. Fargo-Moorhead Business 107. Business Plan Outline 106. How to Write A Business Proposal 105. How to Write A Strong Executive Summary for A Business Plan 104. Business Continuity Plan 103. Small Business Financing Orange County 102. Business SWOT Analysis 101. Small Business Merchant Accounts

Bretton Woods Agreement and The US Debt

In 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement caused most world governments to duplicate the US Federal Reserve System. If a country did not duplicate the Fed, the country would not be allowed to join the World Bank or the World Trade Organization. This is why today's financial crisis is a global financial crisis. Today, this is changing. The central banks of the world do not trust the US. They do not like the fact that in 2009 the US has essentially printed trillions of counterfeit dollars. Technically, every dollar we print, robs foreign countries currencies of value, just as printing dollars robs the value of your savings in your bank. Simply said, the more money the US prints, the less valuable all money becomes. Every dollar printed makes your money worth less and less. If central banks around the world start dumping dollars and buying gold, who knows how high gold will go? A depression with hyperinflation will be the destruction of the middle class. The rich will become richer and man...

The Global Banking System As A Vampire

A vampire does not want to kill you. A vampire only wants your blood. The same is true for the global banking system. They don't want to kill you or your debt, they just want to keep sipping interest off the top, and keep you just crippled enough that you can't get better but not so crippled that you die. When you receive your credit card statement, it always says,"minimum payment due." This minimum payment does not decrease your principle. All it does is take money from your pocket, partially pay your interest, and increase your balance. The reason the bank does not need you to reduce your balance is because the money they lent you was created out of thin air . The bank then collects interest on that money. Big bank or small bank, this is the world system of debt and credit in existence today. In simpler terms, when a bank sends you a credit card, there is no money for that card. But the moment you use your card to buy something for let's say $100, that $100 magi...

Malaysian Culture - Teh Tarik Session

Good Old Time...

Business Straight to the Point


Why insurance is important?

YOU are the Golden Goose!

Money is a Handicap

Most people assume that one needs money in order to invest. Money can be a handicap because it limits your thinking. When money is involved, people focus on how much money something is worth. Without money in the equation, the entire focus moves to value. When we focus on value we can create exchanges where all parties come away feeling like they got more than they gave. The convenience of using money can also stop you from thinking creatively. Training your mind to solve problems without money is a skill that is truly priceless. Creating Wealth from Nothing One Red PaperClip : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE8b02EdZvw&feature=player_embedded

富爸爸 白金版

I wonder how Kiyosaki feel or think when he see this:

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (updates)

100. Business Casual Attire 99. Business to Business Schema 98. Business Phone Etiquette 97. Nonverbal Communication in Business 96. Benefits of Intranets to Business 95. Business Ethics Necessary Benefit 94. Michigan Small Business Web Design 93. Business Slogans 92. Proper Business Letter Format 91. Retail Stores Going Out of Business Dallas Area

One Thing You Don't Need To Be An Entrepreneur: A College Degree

It's a large percentage founders who did not graduate from college. Some reasons: - founders grew up in other parts of the world where college attendance is less common. - founders didn't have the patience to sit through four years of education they didn't feel was relevant to them. - founders were too busy starting companies to finish college. Entrepreneurs don't need degrees like lawyers and doctors do. They are credentialed by virtue of their track record. The first startup is hard but if they make that one work, they end up with something much better than a college degree. They have a notch in their belt. They've got a track record of success. Even if the first one is a failure, I'd say that they've got something more than a degree. They've shown they can start something from nothing, build a team, a product, and maybe even a business. We've been spending a lot of time lately thinking about, talking about, learning about, and looking at the whole...

We are living through an entrepreneurial revolution, on a global scale

When you work for others, you are at their mercy. They own your work; they own you. Your creative spirit is squashed. What keeps you in such positions is a fear of having to sink or swim on your own. Instead you should have a greater fear of what will happen to you if you remain dependent on others for power. Your goal in every maneuver in life must be ownership, working the corner for yourself. When it is yours, it is yours to lose -- you are more motivated, more creative, more alive. The ultimate power in life is to be completely self-reliant, completely yourself. You came into this life with the only real possessions that ever matter -- your body, the time that you have to live, your energy, the thoughts and ideas unique to you, and your autonomy. But over the years you tend to give all of this away. You spend years working for others -- they own you during that period. You get needlessly caught up in people's games and battles, wasting energy and time that you will never get ba...

401(k) for Dummies

Your brain is your greatest asset. Protect it. It is up to you to decide what goes in it. Your brain does not belong to President Obama, the school system, Wall Street, the banks, financial planners, real estate agents, your boss, or even people like me. It is up to you to decide what is best for you, your family, and your future. ~ Robert Kiyosaki Rather than teach students about money and investments, the schools to this day bring in the very agents of the rich, the financial planners and bankers, the very people that profit from financial ignorance , to teach our children about money. In 1974, the 401(k) system (a kind of retirement planning, in many other names in other countries) began, forcing many people who did not trust the stock market to depend on it for their retirement . " This is a great time to get rich. " But don't listen to insurance salespeople masquerading as financial planners, selling you the wonders of the 401(k). The 401(k) was designed for people ...

10 Tips to Overcoming your Personal Financial Crisis

1. Know that this is about YOU. It’s not about the economy. There are many people making money when others are not. 2. Determine what you are good at and what will bring you money now. Not later – now! Don’t worry about the tasks. Some of us had to roll up our sleeves and do jobs we had paid others to do for many years. 3. Focus on income generating activities. Let go of all those things that waste your time and don’t bring in the cash flow that you need. 4. Tighten up your belt. No new clothes, cars, or any other doodas that are not going to create money for you. You now spend money only on those things that will make you more money. 5. When you’re done with your personal financial crisis, keep your agreements and pay everyone back. If you cannot do that for years, create new agreements as necessary. 6. Do a good transformational program that will “kick-start” you in making new decisions and creating new references for yourself. 7. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people –...