
目前显示的是 一月, 2010的博文

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (164-174)

174. Get Unsecured Line of Credit for Small Business Owner 173. Facebook Imposter Scam is Serious Business 172. Value of Precious Moments Figurines Business 171. Define Professional Ethics in Business 170. Florida Property Management Business for Sale 169. Story of An Hour Analysis for Business 168. Tight Asshole Business Management Jokes 167. Time Value of Money Calculator for Business 166. Raising Chickens Business Jokes 165. Ethical Issues In Business 164. Current Ethical Issues In Business

Financial Literacy

What part does financial literacy play in achieving our dreams? If your dreams are to have a abundant life which includes a beautiful home (or homes), automobiles for yourself and your family, a great education for your children (and yourself), and a business that works like a money-making machine with systems in place that allow you to be financially free – receiving profits, royalties, rents – or to be financially independent from wise investments and your attention on them is minimal… there is no question that financial literary is key. In the past over 30 years in working with people in our programs, including Money & You?, to discover what holds a person back from having money, building successful businesses, or having financial success – and this is with people in different parts of the world – over and over again it comes up that we must clear our consciousness from emotional blocks in order to receive the level of abundance that we desire; or to experience the wealth/the fi...


摧毁一种货币最简单的办法就是发行过量的货币。 可以通过: 1。中央银行自己发行过量的货币 2。私人银行创造过度的信用和货币 3。市场中的货币投机商通过大规模的“裸做空”,在摧毁一国货币价值的同时,其效果等同于货币投机商在大量发行货币。 第三种情况最不明显但却最为致命,有人系统性地大规模做空一国货币,从而导致剧烈贬值,效果等同于大量印刷货币。 什么是做空机制呢? 当货币投机家进行货币卖空行为的时候,他们并不真正拥有这种货币,而只是声称他们拥有。只要在一定的时间内,这种货币出现大幅贬值,他们以贬值后的低价从市场买回这种货币,平掉当初的“声称拥有”的“谎言”,就可以赚取巨额利润。 从这个意义来讲,当货币投机者在卖空并不存在的“声称拥有”的货币的时候,其实质是在一定时间内获得了创造这种货币的权力。 这些货币投机者同时出动,在同一时间一起大规模做空,数量足够大,而且是在这个国家货币足够虚弱的时候,这样的做空行为将会产生强烈的“自我实现”的效果,最后的结果是使被做空的货币的价值出现自由落体般的贬值,严重情况下,将会产生货币恐慌。 而货币恐慌将会导致链式反应,引发其他社会阶层本能的恐慌,大量抛售本币去换取外币,从而导致更大规模的市场做空行为。 在这样的货币暴跌过程中,投机家赚取的巨额利润,就是这个国家的生产者和储蓄者累积多年的财富,社会生产和经济活动将遭到毁灭性的打击。 此时所谓自由经济主意者,将会指责所有的错误都是由政府的货币政策出现问题,而忽略投机者所制造的巨大灾难。 1923 年德国的问题与 1997 年亚洲金融风暴出现的情况类似,本币体系和本国经济存在严重的内在缺陷,外债高筑,外国货币投机者蜂拥而至,超大规模做空本币,货币体系濒于崩溃,本币剧烈贬值,通货膨胀卷走社会财富,摧毁了国家经济基础。 历史惊人得相似,原因在于重复历史的人都是同一批人。 今天的索罗斯及其背后的国际银行家与1923 年摧毁德国马克货币的投机者师出一门。 ------------------------- 如何才能彻底控制德国的经济命脉呢?一场货币战争浮出水面。彻底摧毁德国的货币系统将使德国的所有资产变得廉价无比,再进行控制就易如反掌了。 按照股票操纵的行话就是:先做空,逢低吸纳;再做多,赢得暴利! ~The Economic Weapon Against Germany, Sir Alfred Zim...

Why go on dreaming when you can turn your dreams into reality?

If 2009 wasn't quite the year you hoped for, you are not alone. Millions of people around the world are extremely frustrated right now and looking for certainty in their lives. Perhaps you lost your job ... Your business suffered ...Your nest eggs disappeared ... The economy scares you ... or, you're wondering what 2010 holds for you? What can you do right now to regain the focus, peace of mind and inner-strength you need to be able to have the time of your life this festive season? Soon you will meet your family and friends and many of them may be looking for some kind of certainty in their life.

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (154-163)

163. Small Business Advisory Service 162. Business and Accounting Ethics 161. Apply for A Business Low Interest Rate Credit Card Services 160. Web Publishing Content Business 159. Start A Mug Business 158. Start Location Scout Business in ct 157. Wharton School of Business 156. Business Transformation 155. How to Start A Pet Sitting Business 154. Exercise Reduces Stress In Business

Goals for 2010

Most of us know that goals are important. I'm sure that most of us know that people who make the effort to write down their goals are more successful than people who don't. If this is true, I wonder why people don't focus more on their goals? Taking time to discuss what you want in life and setting goals is a bit like doing construction work on your life, and the effort is always worth it. Give thanks for this gift called life. Goals are measureable. The more specific, the more real, and the more real, the more you have a chance of success. You must give to receive. If you want something, you need to first give something away - or give something up. Making more money will not solve your problems if cash flow management is your problem.

Winner VS Losers

(英文版網路流傳 Olga Wu中譯) The Winner is always part of the answer; (贏家是答案的一部分) The Loser is always part of the problem. (輸家是問題的一部分) The Winner always has a program; (贏家總有計畫) The Loser always has an excuse. (輸家總有藉口) The Winner says,"Let me do it for you; (贏家說:我來幫你做) The Loser says;" That is not my job." (輸家說:這不關我的事) The Winner sees an answer for every problem; (贏家看到每個問題的答案) The Loser sees a problem for every answer. (輸家看到每個答案的問題) The Winner says," It may be difficult but it is possible"; (贏家說:這雖難,但還是有可能) The Loser says,"It may be possible but it is too difficult." (輸家說:這雖有可能,但…還是很難!) When a Winner makes a mistake,he says," I was wrong"; (贏家犯錯時會說:我錯了) When a Loser makes a mistake, he says," It wasn't my fault." (輸家犯錯時會說:不是我的錯) A Winner makes commitments; (贏家用行動承擔責任) A Loser makes promises. (輸家只會口頭承諾) Winners have dreams; (贏家有夢想) Loser have schemes. (輸家有算計) Winners say," I must do something"; (贏家說:我一定要做些事) Losers say,"Som...

Tips Of The Month - Wisdom From Albert Einstein

First of all, happy new year to all of you. Today I have a quote from Albert Einstein that can set you thinking about your life and direction in 2010. Before giving you the quote, let me share with you a story - my own story...... Like many entrepreneurs, I had a dream of running my own multi-million business. I was lucky to be able to partner with a savvy businessman, who runs a multi-million wholesaling business. With his advice, I started importing and distributing goods to hypermarkets, departmental stores and retailers. After all, that was how he started and I was learning to follow his footpath. Soon, I ran into all kinds of problems - bank loans, inventory overstocking, bad debts, faulty goods etc. This is the kind of problem my business partner is facing everyday in his own business. To him, it's part of the process of running the business, and part of the process of making money. I love problem solving and I am pretty good at that. After all, problem solving was what we we...

2010: The Best of Times or the Worst?

“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” – Charles Dickens Is the recession over? Are happy days really here again? Paraphrasing Dickens, my answer is,“For people who are prepared, 2010 will be the best of times. For many, 2010 will be the worst of times.” A mortgage reset is when a mortgage comes due. In September 2008, the mortgage resets hit $35 billion that month. That was the exact time the financial crisis hit. When people could not afford to refinance and began to default, the stock market and banking industry crashed. Since home values have gone down, many homeowners will find they owe more than their home(s) are worth. Will the bank be kind to them? Obviously these are the best of times if you are a buyer of distressed properties and the worst of times if you are a seller. The following recaps the year-end prices of gold and silver: YEAR GOLD SILVER 2000 $ 273 ...

Good Debt VS Bad Debt

Debt is an amazing tool. It has the power to make you rich and it has the power to ruin you financially. Like any tool, the secret is knowing how to use it properly to get the results you want. Most people don't realize that there are two kinds of debt - good debt and bad debt. Bad debt is anything you buy that doesn't help increase your assets. We call them "doodads." When you find yourself deep in a hole, you need to stop digging. And that means curbing your spending - avoiding the temptation to buy doodads like a robot lawn mower, a car that gets ten miles per gallon, or a second pair of high-end athletic shoes. Admittedly, this requires willpower. Even today as people are realizing that they need to cut back due to difficult economic times, most people still have not been able to learn the old-fashioned virtue of delayed gratification. By cutting back on doodads, you'll increase the percentage of income you keep. It's important not to consider this a temp...

Financial Freedom

What would it mean to you to begin to get control of your finances and your life? Imagine the positive changes that you and your family would experience if you had more choices about what to do with your time. We all have to start somewhere to achieve what some say is that unattainable dream. Today, with smart planning and the support of like minded people, you can do it! To learn to take control – control of your health, your image and your finances. Financial control comes through financial independence. What exactly is financial independence? For many people financial freedom translates to: “I’m going to work until I’m 65 and then retire.” My definition is simply this….when my monthly cash flow from my assets is equal to or greater than my monthly living expenses, then I am financially independent. The importance of this definition is CONTROL. I buy my assets, manage my assets and control the cash flow these assets create. Rather than letting money control me, I control the assets w...

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (142-154)

153. How Can I Get Money To Start My Own Business 152. Business Relocation 151. Business Relocation Fargo 150. Business Relocation Moorhead 149. Business Relocation North Dakota 148. Business Brokers 147. Benefits of Capitalism to Business 146. Business Ethics Cases and The Moral Behind 145. Best Business to Start In China 144. Cultural Diversity In Global Business 143. Tiger Woods Jokes and The Business Moral 142. Business Card Template for Microsoft Word

Gain Back Your Freedom (1-7)

Even if you aren't making a lot of money right now, doesn't mean you shouldn't do this. Living in a world of extreme overwork, little pay and no life ... is NOT the way to climb your way to the top. --------------------------------- 1. The reality is ... the more time you spend answering emails, the more time you take away from developing and growing your business. 2. Set Your Work Hours: Setting your work hours increases your productivity, keeps you from burningout and forces you to maintain a normal and happy life outside of your computer which is a good thing. - If you have a limited time to work in, you're more likely to get the tasks you've scheduled done quickly than if you give yourself the whole day to work. - If your computer is off for a good portion of the day, you can do normal things like take care of yourself, your home, see friends, go to movies ... or do the things you like to do. 3. Turn off the computer if you just don't feel productive: There...

Law of the Garbage Truck

One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really friendly. So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!' This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.' He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it t...

Happiness is a good night's sleep

What really gave me pleasure in life was the small things. Good bread, warm towels, laughing babies, fresh coffee, old friends. All these things brought a smile to my face that no amount of nice crockery could ever do.The best thing about these small pleasures? They're all free. When I started counting my personal delights I was stunned at how many things that made me happy didn't cost a thing. All aspects of nature for a start. The seasons provide us with endless happiness. We can watch life unfolding from the first snowdrop through the arrival of spring flowers and lighter evenings, the sound of lawnmowers, the first moment you long to be outside, right through the outdoor pleasures of summer, back to the nip of autumn air and the first signs of winter's frost. So many people not only shared my sense of wonder at the small, free delights that nature provides, but had actually captured them on their cameras. Your very best friends are one of the most precious things in an...

The name of the game is "bailout"

In 1971, President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, paving the way for the Fed and the world's central banks to create counterfeit money and debt at will. Once that happened, crashes and bailouts came with regularity. In 1980's, the bailouts were in the millions. By the 1990's, the bailouts were measured in billions. Today, bailouts measured in trillions. How much will the next bailout cost taxpayers of the world? Quadrillions? Each bailout creates more debt that must be paid by the taxpayers. Each bailout robs our children of their future. Is that saving the world to you? If you call it smart to create new bad debt to replace old bad debt, then Bernanke saved the economy. What he did was no different than a person who maxes out his credit cards, gets a home equity loan to pay off those credit cards, and then maxes out the same credit cards again. How can both Bernanke and Greenspan say that they didn't see this crisis coming? They know that crisis, terror, ...