Happiness is a good night's sleep

What really gave me pleasure in life was the small things. Good bread, warm towels, laughing babies, fresh coffee, old friends. All these things brought a smile to my face that no amount of nice crockery could ever do.The best thing about these small pleasures? They're all free.

When I started counting my personal delights I was stunned at how many things that made me happy didn't cost a thing.
All aspects of nature for a start.

The seasons provide us with endless happiness. We can watch life unfolding from the first snowdrop through the arrival of spring flowers and lighter evenings, the sound of lawnmowers, the first moment you long to be outside, right through the outdoor pleasures of summer, back to the nip of autumn air and the first signs of winter's frost.

So many people not only shared my sense of wonder at the small, free delights that nature provides, but had actually captured them on their cameras.

Your very best friends are one of the most precious things in anyone's life, and the laughter, support and dedication they provide is truly touching and magnificent.

From naughty girls' nights out to hours-long phone conversations when you're down, to giving practical and useful advice, friends are the bedrock of all our lives. More valuable than wealth and far more useful than designer handbags!

Being quite an indulgent type, I was surprised to find how many things that gave me pleasure in life were actually about making small sacrifices. Nothing noble or life-saving, but just talking to other people in the street who looked lonely, or letting other drivers into traffic occasionally.

Practice most nights of my life.

And that is, cliche of cliches, counting three good things that have happened to you today. You probably think there aren't three, but, believe me, there are.

In fact, once you start counting them you'll be surprised that life is bursting with everyday delights. Ban that cynicism and just get started!

It won't cost you a thing and it might change your whole perspective.

And on New Year's Day, what better time to start?

A dailymail.co.uk article
How to have a happy life...and, best of all, it costs nothing
By Maeve Haran
Last updated at 2:43 AM on 01st January 2010




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