
目前显示的是 四月, 2010的博文


控制之网是第一世界公司和机构用来统治全球经济的。简单地说,第三世界国家在金融、政治和军事上均陷入于第一世界的控制之网中,而且极难逃脱。 全球帝国中金钱和权力的流动过程排列: -〉将贷款出售给第三世界国家 -〉通过隐秘的离岸银行帐户(Offshore Banking Account)再将黑钱流回第一世界 -〉债务主导的发展模型在减少贫困方面的失败 -〉高额未偿付债务的累积 -〉国际货币基金组织摧毁发展中国家经济,确保得到资源的军事干预。 雄心勃勃的地方银行及其年轻的银行家们向发展中国家兜售贷款,用来帮助它们建设那些资金去向可疑的项目,却留下大批帐单让这些国家的老百姓来偿还。 债务使第三世界国家处于第一世界的控制之下,依赖援助、债务重组和债务滚动而生存,已经谈不上真正的发展了。 它们被迫重构经济、重写法律,以满足 IMF 结构调整计划和世界银行制约条款所开出的条件。它们不可能像美国一样控制世界储备货币,也不能做到长时间的入不敷出还能避免金融危机。 经典案例:菲律宾 马科斯在1986年垮台,而菲律宾的对外债务也超过了280亿美元。这其中6.75亿美元来自马科斯亲信控制的公司和由政府机构担保的债务。 就像埃伦奥古斯丁在“菲律宾,世界银行,一场冲向尽头的竞赛”中写的那样,现在菲律宾人民仍然在努力偿还马科斯时代遗留的债务。 相关:  经济杀手 全球帝国之北方和南方 腐败、债务及其内幕 Corporatetocracy


Corporatocracy or corpocracy is a form of government where corporations, conglomerates, and/or government entities with private components, control the direction and governance of a country. Corporatetocracy - 金权政体指的是那些掌管着全球最大公司、强权政府和历史上第一次真正出现的全球帝国的权利集团。 作为“金权政体”政策的结果,平均每天有 24000 人死于饥饿;数万人,尤其是孩子,死于本可治疗的疾病,只因为他们支付不起医药费;世界一半以上的人口每天生活费低于2美元,在许多地方这点钱根本不够支付基本生活需求。本质上,我们的经济体系是依靠人类农奴和奴隶剥削的现代版本。 每次你读、听、看一则关于国际事件的新闻报道时,请带着怀疑的眼光。请记住,这些媒体为“金权政体”所拥有,或至少受到其财务支持。请挖掘这些表面之下的真相。 我们必须结束这些。你和我必须做正确的事情。 我知道自己拥有一些技巧和许多机会。这些你的和我的也许不同,但它们同样有力。我催促你为你的生活设定一个基本目标,将这个世界变成一个更美好的世界,不仅是为了你自己,也为了所有其他人。 为实现这个目标,请每天至少做一件事,想想每天死于饥饿的 24000 人,然后以一生的时间投身于改变这个状况的事中。报纸、杂志、地方和全国的组织代表们、你的朋友、做或没有做着正确事情的生意人,请给他们写信或发邮件吧;参加电视节目;有意识地选择购物;不要购买那些推动了当代奴律制形成的商品;自持非盈利机构,因为他们帮助传递信息、保护环境、保卫民权、抵抗饥饿和疾病以及致力促成一个更健全的世界;做自愿者;去学校辅导孩子们;和你的邻居组成讨论小组-所有可能采取的行为是无止境的,只是看你自己想像力有多广了。 我们所有人都有一些能力和激情去做贡献,但最重要的事情是走出去,行动起来。 I am only one.But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything, I will no...

A Game As Old As Empire

如果你已看过“货币战争”与“金权天下”,建议你再看 1. Confession of An Economic Hit Man 2. A Game As Old As Empire 3. Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money 阅读时,请用心思考和体会所描述的这些行为对世界和我们的子孙后代的含义。结合中西方不同作者的观点,审慎当今世界局势,以更宏观及客观的角度进行思考与分析,再看回马来西亚近20年发展与当今局面,我想你会有更深层的认知与关切。 A Game As Old As Empire 中文版: 书名译为 “古老的帝国游戏” 是否更恰当?

Big lie No. 5: We're bankers, and we're here to help you

Our banking sector serves as the "blood supply" for our capitalist economic system, maintains media mogul and real-estate billionaire Mort Zuckerman. And it's true: Banks take risks funding Silicon Valley startups and other businesses, making our economy one of the most innovative and vibrant in the world. Most of them do help us. But sadly, a lot Wall Street seems to have turned this idea on its head. All those complex, repackaged mortgage-backed securities, for example, didn't raise a penny to build a single factory. And they weren't all about getting people into homes either. Some of the instruments they were trading were little more than wagers on whether someone else's mortgage would ever be paid. So when you now hear bankers and their lobbyists roll out the old blood-supply excuse to resist tougher regulation, don't buy it. If better regulation removes the pure gambling and makes our financial system safer, we're all better off -- even if it mean...

He got rich -- and they lost their homes

"There's no question we made money in these transactions," said a Paulson spokesman in a statement. "However, all our dealings were through arms-length transactions with experienced counterparties who had opposing views based on all available information at the time. We were straightforward in our dislike of these securities but the vast majority of people in the market thought we were dead wrong and openly and aggressively purchased the securities we were selling." Some of the people whose mortgages underpinned Paulson's wager were themselves taking a gamble -- that U.S. housing prices would continue to march upward, making it possible for them to eventually pay off loans they couldn't afford. In early 2007, Paulson's company was identifying different bonds from across the country that it wanted to place bets against. Paolo Pellegrini, Paulson's right-hand man, began working with Goldman trader Fabrice Tourre to choose bonds for the Abacus portf...

5 lies the big banks keep telling us (2)

Big lie No. 4: We get paid like rock stars, but we're worth it When I ask companies why U.S. CEOs get such huge pay compared with their counterparts elsewhere in the world, the answer is invariably the same: We need to pay that much to attract the best performers. But the mortgage meltdown has proved that to be a big lie. Paying CEOs well didn't keep these banks safe. It's not just the CEOs, of course. Huge pay trickled down through the executive ranks to traders, all of whom who seem to have been too busy chasing short-term profits to focus on (or care about) the long-term risks. It's a case study in what the advocates have told me for years is wrong with the way executives get paid. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Investing/CompanyFocus/5-lies-the-big-banks-keep-telling-us.aspx?page=3

5 lies the big banks keep telling us

There's a little truth in each excuse, but none is completely honest. Big lie No. 1: No one could have known Consider this scenario: You work at the top of a key bank on Wall Street. You hire the smartest guys from the best schools. You get paid big bucks to know your business better than anyone else. And warning signs are everywhere. When it goes bad, can you really say you didn't know? Yet time and again, we've heard something similar to this from top bankers. With the crisis looming, the bank had placed big bets against, or shorted, the mortgage-backed securities it was selling to customers, a maneuver Angelides says is akin to "selling a car with faulty brakes and then buying an insurance policy on the buyer of those cars." relaxed lending standards and a speculative housing market bubble are dangerous. In September 2004, the FBI publicly warned that a potential epidemic of rampant mortgage fraud could cause "the next S&L crisis," referring to th...

Take The First Step

The idea is to grow yourself into a successful person. your outer world is merely a reflection of your inner world. You are the root; your results are the fruits. Having a good job will not make you rich, it merely gives you a living, some people make a good living but no life. Think & Grow Rich. Work more on yourself than on your job... Take The First Step Success starts with having a plan… a list of your goals and your dreams. Learn and apply the proven principles needed to achieve each one of them… and a way to map out your journey. Let’s call it Your Personal Entrepreneurial Strategy. Your Personal Entrepreneurial Strategy is an exercise to help you create clarity between your relationship with money, people and business… by identifying your behaviors, attitudes, skills, experience, know-how, contacts and leadership tendencies. In taking this first step of building your strategy, you will have placed yourself ahead of 95% of the entrepreneurs in the world who have never taken ...

Bank Robbers

There are two types of bank robbers. One type robs the bank from the outside, the other robs banks from the inside. All bankers steal your wealth from the inside - legally. One of the more benign ways that banks steal your money is via the "fractional-reserve system". For example, if you put $10 in your savings and the bank lends out $100 based on the ability to lend out $10 for every $1 in deposits it holds, that causes inflation. And inflation robs your savings of purchasing power. On top of that, the bank pays you 2 percent on your $10 and collects up to 20 percent or more on the $100 it lends out. This is one way your banker robs your wealth from inside the bank. Goldman just took bank robbery to a more sophisticated level, and now Germany, England, and pension funds are upset. Just as the SEC and courts found no wrong doing with AIG, I doubt much if anything will be done about Goldman. A few lower-level executives may be fired and punished, but once politicians, the pres...

Is Goldman Guilty?

"When the tide goes out, you find out who has been swimming naked." ~ Warren Buffet. History does repeat, and Goldman's fraud is just history performing the same song but with different singers. After every crisis, witch-hunts increase and politicians shout, "We must make sure this doesn't happen again." While today's charges will damage Goldman's reputation, and some clients and employees will leave, the net effect is that not much will change. While the politicians and the press make Goldman a scapegoat, the banking system remains unchanged. There may be some financial reforms passed, but nothing will be substantially different. "Too big to fail" means the bank has politicians and the government on their side. Politician decide which banks live and which banks die. This is called Crony Capitalism .

Sin Chew Opinion Notes (Culture)

在排他的心理影响下,人们总是觉得自己才是最优秀的,自己的文化才是最伟大的,自己的道德才是真正的道德。就因为每个人都有着同样的思维,战争便开始了。 德国与日本发动了第二次世界大战,因为他们都觉得自己是最优秀的民族。澳洲人把原住民的孩子捉到教会学校,也是因为白人觉得他们的文化才是正确的。 ~ 大潘 沉迷網絡書寫失靈 現在的青少年生活在數位時代,生活、學習、交友、娛樂等,大都從網絡取得。過度依賴電腦,造成書寫困難。例如,網絡上還有人寫著:“一打開門,看到一坨狗屎,讓我大吃一斤。”許多老一輩的人看了十分驚訝,大吃一驚變成大吃一“斤”,如果真的吃了一斤還得了? 同樣是網絡世代,不忘傳統,即可在中華文化中找到新路;如果沉迷其中,就得不償失了。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/14358

Sin Chew Opinion Notes

羅正文 - 克林頓的演技 電影戲劇是虛構的,但政治卻是真實的,影響許多人的生活。 未來世界的政治會不會變成政治人物表演的舞台?而如果作為全球最大權力核心的美國總統為挽回其聲譽而發動戰爭表演,世局會變成甚麼模樣? 對付恐怖主義的方法有很多,但以暴制暴對付回教恐怖份子,其效果恐怕相當有限,這是克林頓在回憶錄中也不得不承認的。 我當然無法斷言克林頓是為了轉移性醜聞注意力而發射飛彈,但我卻不能不懷疑選擇蘇丹與阿富汗這兩個美國人民非常陌生的國家,竟然與電影《桃色風雲搖擺狗》如此相像; 我也無法說克林頓不是為了國家尊嚴與保護人民而發動攻擊,但卻不能不聯想到常有“大逆轉”性格的克林頓當時確是在進行其政治生命的豪賭。 數年後小布什竟然步克林頓的後塵,也來賭它一舖。 人生如戲、戲如人生莫過於此。美國著名時評家艾德文.戴蒙(Edwin Diamond)對近50年來歷任總統評價不高,他們“演戲的天份多過治國的本事”,講得似乎正是克林頓與小布什。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/14355 世界各國的公共交通通常都由政府承擔大部份成本,因為公共交通發達,社會就能省下汽車、公路、汽油等非持續性的資源耗損。我們的政府則反其道而行,視造路為己任(因為造路的合約比較龐大),公共交通則必須由私人支付。 如果沒有一套整合的系統,也是枉然。又或者說,如果我們有一套完整有效的系統,也許不需要甚麼大鐵軌,需要的可能只是5000輛巴士、一組單一和整合的時間表、一流的服務和舒適的空間、巴士道、安全。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/14351 1986年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主布坎南(James M.Buchanan)在《赤字中的民主》的論點指出政客在做公共決策時,已愈來愈傾向於最簡單,對他們而言,也是最廉價的減稅及增加支出這種兩面討好的手法。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/14353 东姑阿都阿兹: 纳吉打通走向华府之路 他们对我说的良好管理及对抗贪污不特别感兴趣,只想知道大马政府既不承认以色列,为何大马领袖又将一大笔钱存入以色列银行。我唯有告诉他们,我无法回答他们的问题,因为我不是大马政府官员。或许,当马哈迪选择记住他光辉执政期中这怪诞的一页时,他会想对此发表意见。 纳吉当然可以亲近美国,但绝非不惜...

Pain or Pleasure

Do you want to live an extraordinary life? Do you believe in your capacity to hold yourself to a higher standard and choose how you want to feel? Have you ever thought of what is important to you? Progress requires conscious choices. Step one of this was discovering who you really are, and establish your own identity and determine your life's purpose. How fantastic is it to know what you are meant to do with your life. Many people think they have no choice about what they feel because they've been conditioned to believe that. Automatically people hear something and respond a certain way. When you think you have no choice, there is always a choice. Before you can make those choices though, you have to understand what's controlling them... As you know, whatever people do, they always have a reason. Give yourself the possibility of designing your own life and live the life you are meant to live. Tony always says this, "Do not settle" , take control of your life, your...

Compressing Decades into Days...

If you're still struggling to create the dream lifestyle you always wanted to enjoy... look no further. Having more money will not solve your problems. You need practical life strategies that are proven to work for real people in today's critical times. As you know, the best way to learn is from experience. And experience comes from mistakes. Well, chances are that with your current income, mortgage repayments and other responsibilities you can't afford to make many mistakes. You know that... And, that's what?s holding you back from taking the action that you know you need to take to change your life... Not many people are willing to show you their 'ugly' side, their deficiencies or their weaknesses. But, that's the fastest way for you to learn how to make money... Anthony Robbins coined the phrase "Compressing Decades into Days... " Well, by spending just 1 evening with a very successful person , you will be compressing his DECADES of mistakes, pa...

No One Would Listen

"No One Would Listen" A True Financial Thriller by Harry Markopolos offers a unique perspective – that of the boy who kept insisting that the emperor was naked while others stood around praising the imaginary new clothes and discounting everything the boy said. Bernard Madoff ... Hundreds of books, reports and articles talk about the events and circumstances that allowed him to cheat thousands of investors. Harry Markopolos .. "If blank looks were dollar bills, I would have walked out of that room a rich man" Markopolos reserves most of his criticism for the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In fact, he rails against the regulatory body throughout the book, painting it as an organisation weighed down by incompetence, internal politics, self-interest, double standards and a shallow understanding of the very industry it supervises. It’s telling that the epilogue of No One Would Listen is Markopolos’ list of 15 steps to transform the SEC. He wrote: “I often ...

Year of digital advertising

Quarter to Quarter growth of Internet Media spending is 35.5% increase, second to Free-to-air TV rate of 35.7%. Though the market size is only 9.9 mil, if you could take 10% of it is 990k, and this is solely Malaysia. http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/4/17/business/6027039&sec=business For the first quarter of this year, Internet advertising grew 35% year-on-year to RM10mil on the websites monitored by Nielsen Malaysia. Social marketing, search marketing and ad networks are not captured in the data. Technology and travel players are already using digital advertising, and Prashant sees huge opportunities for finance, automotive and fast-moving consumer goods clients. Digital is under-exploited or under-utilised. With the growing trend in consumerism, there will be a surge in social media, lifestyle and news platforms. In a recovering economy, he says, advertisers will have more funds to invest in digital media and be more willing to explore new platforms while cont...

When Prices Are Sticky Downwards

Economic inefficiency can be pretty costly to you and me Consumers like you and me are no doubt heartened with the new strength of the ringgit against the US dollar, trading at around 3.20 to one US dollar. Not long ago, it was 3.50, representing an appreciation of around 9%. And if the dollar goes down to 3 by year-end as many economists expect, the appreciation in less than a year, will be as high as 17%. The question is will we consumers see a significant reduction in the prices that we pay for imported goods or are the importers going to slice the benefits all to themselves? This is what economists mean when they refer to prices being “sticky downwards”. When costs go up, prices rise quickly, sometimes even before the costs are incurred by producers and importers. But when they go down, prices adjust slowly or not at all. If we do get the full benefits, then our standard of living will improve and our incomes will go a longer way, and our journey to becoming a higher income country...

Investment Bank,Business Analyst,Interest Rate Derivatives | Business Resources

Investment Bank,Business Analyst,Interest Rate Derivatives | Business Resources Posted using ShareThis

An Elephant in the Room

An Elephant in the Room There is, however, an elephant in the room that most central bankers and financial regulators of advanced countries have missed. The elephant in the room is the biggest and most important issue that is before one’s eyes, but we ignore it because we do not know how to handle it. Hence, most people tip toe or move around the elephant rather than confront it. The biggest item that is common to monetary policy, financial regulation and fiscal policy is land and real estate, including fixed investments. The value of land and fixed assets is directly related to interest rates – the lower the interest rates, the higher the value of real estate. Real estate is the biggest collateral of bank loans and often the biggest asset of most households or firms. Land sales are also the biggest revenue for many local governments. Hence, asset bubbles are most difficult to handle because their deflation can kill banking systems and eventually become fiscal deficits. Recently, it wa...

The passing of a central banking generation

THINK ASIAN BY ANDREW SHENG General Douglas McArthur famously said that old soldiers never die, they just fade away. Central bankers are the generals of monetary policy, because they fight currency wars, combat inflation and defend financial stability. Retired central bankers do not fade away. Like Greenspan, they can write best selling memoirs and retire very comfortably. It is understandable that people are complacent or are too cautious. No one likes to disturb the status quo. Almost all of us would like to wait till the next piece of information comes in to confirm our hypothesis. The academic profession and government bureaucracies had become so specialised and fragmented that they could not see the wood from the trees. No one is looking at the earth from 30,000 ft up and asking why it does not add up. ~ Californian Prof Frithof Capra, the Turning Point Most businesses are coordinated and done horizontally, between different departments and arms of a business or government. Coordi...

The Bubble Burst

One reason we had such a massive bubble between 2004 and 2007 is because the big banks were pushing No Income No Job loans, a.k.a. subprime loans, on poor people. The banks then took these subprime loans (debt), packaged them as securities, had them rated as AAA, and sold them to pension and sovereign wealth fund as assets. The more debt that was created, the more housing prices went up, causing people to use their credit cards more and to use their home equity to pay off those credit cards. The more people spent, the more the economy boomed. Of course, we all know what happened when credit was finally maxed - the bubble burst. The reason I say this crisis is not over is because the system is the same. The Fed wants and needs you and me to borrow more money so that more money will be created in the economy. If the Fed tried to change the system, let's say back to the old system of the gold standard, which I doubt will ever happen, there would be a bigger crisis. So far now, as long...

Why This Crisis Doesn't Make Sense to Normal People #2

Money Doesn't Exist Until It's Borrowed All of the paper money in your wallet or bank account is really debt. In earlier times, paper money was backed by gold or silver. After 1971, money became an IOU from the government. Today, money doesn't exist unless someone borrows money. For example, when you receive a credit card in the mail, the money you can borrow with it doesn't exist. All you have is a piece of plastic. But let's say you go to the store and charge $100 on your new card. At the moment, $100 brand new dollars is created. It didn't exist until the moment you used the card. And when you pay the $100 off, the $100 disappears from the economy. The primary reason the Federal Reserve Bank is keeping interest rates near zero is because they want you and me to borrow money. They also want us to pull the money out of our savings account, because interest rates are low, and risk the money in the stock market instead.

Can Obama Save The World

When President Obama passed his health reform bill, he imposed - for the first time - a payroll tax on investment income. He referred to this income as "unearned income." If he were to be technically correct, the tax code term wouldn't be unearned income but rather passive income because investor's income isn't "unearned." In reality, passive income is earned through much work. Essentially, Obama favors taxing those that work and invest in order to help those that are poor. First off, I believe President Obama is a good man. But I simply don't think he can save the world. Why? Because the banks and money rule the world - not politicians or the government. A big problem with America is that our government taxes income and investment. In other words, America punishes workers and those that save money to invest.

Rewarding People Who Borrow for Consumption

Rewarding People Who Borrow for Consumption The American government has a habit of rewarding people who borrow for consumption. Why? Because that's what the big banks want. They become richer as debt increases. The powers that be have changed Obama's mind on a number of issues. He rejected a carbon tax on fuel. Why? Because the oil companies would fight back.He's also reversed his stand on drilling for oil, allowing for off shore drilling, and he's reversed his stand on greater protection of whales. The whaling lobby must have a lot of money.And finally,rather than withdrawing troops, he's increasing troops in Afghanistan - I'm pretty sure the oil companies have a vested interest in our involvement in the Middle East. Here's my point: While Obama is a good man, it's banks and money that rule the world. The biggest banks and financial institutions have no allegiance to any country. The biggest banks only look out for the interests of the big banks and the...

To Make Money or To Make Sense

I learned very early and painfully that you have to decide at the outset whether you are trying to make money or to make sense, as they are mutually exclusive. ~ Buckminster Fuller Very frequently I hear or read of my artifacts adjudged by critics as being "failures," because I did not get them into mass-production and "make money with them." Such money-making-as-criteria-of-success critics do not realize that money-making was never my goal. I learned very early and painfully that you have to decide at the outset whether you are trying to make money or to make sense, as they are mutually exclusive. I saw that nature has various categories of unique gestation lags between conception of something and its birth. In humans, conception to birth is nine months. In electronics, it is two years between inventive conception and industrialized production. In aeronautics, it is five years between invention and operating use. In automobiles, it is ten years between conception a...

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (261-270)

270. Growth of Indian Retail Business 269. Call for More Information Now My Internet Business MIB 268. American Express Gold Delta Sky Miles Business Credit Card 267. American Express Small Business Credit Card Money 266. Sample Letter of Business Closure to Suppliers 265. Business Apology Letter Sample 264. Time Warner Cable Business Class 263. Home Base Business Air Purifier 262. Business Continuity Planning Strategy 261. Asian Business Men Email Contacts

Take Charge of Your Money.Take Charge of Your Life. (2)

Want to know why most Americans are losing ground in today’s economy? Is it because they are losing their jobs? That doesn’t help. Is it because they took a pay cut? No, they would be losing ground even if they got a pay raise. Is it because they don’t know HOW to save money? Actually, if they are saving money, they are losing more, faster. Find out that you can… * Minimize your taxes legally and significantly freeing up money so you can invest in cash-flowing assets. * Eliminate bad debt in your life and use “good debt” to make you more money. * Hedge inflation, the silent shark that is devouring your buying power. * Stop funding the big bonuses on Wall Street and develop an investment strategy that provides you cash today and in the future. The fate of the US dollar and what it means to your wealth. the Federal Reserve has printed so much currency in the last two years, that the dollar has nowhere to go but down. After all, the more dollars that are out there, the less they are...

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (251-260)

260. Business Succession Planning 259. Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-commerce Environment, 13th Edition 258. Tax Attorney San Francisco Business Law Firm 257. Best Practices in Business Continuity Planning 256. Analysis of Business Model and Strategy Case Study At A Glance 255. Analysis of Business Model and Strategy Case Study for Gaming Industry 254. Harmless April Fools Day Pranks for Business 253. Analysis of Business Model and Strategy Case Study for Content Publishing (Magazine) 252. Analysis of Business Model and Strategy Case Study : Publishing Industry (Books) 251. Analysis of Business Model and Strategy Case Study : Entertainment Industry

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (241-250)

250. Analysis of Business Model and Strategy Case Study 249. American Map Business Atlas 248. Business Communication And The AIDA Model 247. Location Map Kuchai Business Centre 246. Business Process Map Symbols 245. Tax Info on Local Business Horseheads NY 244. Arizona Business Tax Attorney Handbook 243. Business Financial Projections Software 242. Business Birthday Cards Ideas for Tax Accountants 241. Oracle BR100 e Business Tax

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (231-240)

240. Tax Planning Software for Individuals and Small Business 239. Harrison Business Services Income Tax Preparation 238. AR Financing and Business Funding Invoices 237. Business Financial Services Credit and Collection NSF Checks 236. 401k Business Financing 235. Set Up A C Corp and 401(k) to Finance A Business 234. American Small Business Finance CDC 233. Auto Bayview Finance Home Based Businesses 232. Business Plan for Opening A Curves Fitness 231. Jokes About Church Business