目前显示的是 三月, 2011的博文
Gold Bears Will Learn the Hard Way
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Over the next several months, investors will come to gold and silver after they have gone through a process of elimination, investing in other over-valued investments such as currencies, real estate, and Dow-related stocks. Once these investments start to decline, investors will jump from one over-valued investment class to another until they finally discover the precious metals. This transition has been slowly been taking place over the past several years. At some point, the U.S. dollar will be in free-fall — and the stampede to gold will be in full swing. The gargantuan financial risks that exist in our global markets are staggering. When you understand the risks to the market with naked short selling, derivatives insanity, unsustainable debt structures of governments worldwide, etc... it leaves you with a very uneasy feeling. These risks are very real and hardly understood by the average citizen. These bets are getting larger and larger as those involved have to keep going t...
Silver, $36, $37, $38 ... $50?
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As the world's central banks are printing money like there is no tomorrow. And as each desperate act to calm the markets fails, the value of everyone's purchasing power is being squeezed to nothing. Most investors are running to precious metals ... 24 Mar 2011 Gold Hits New Record, Silver at 31-Year High Music to our ears. Silver crossed $38 today and gold briefly hit an all-time high around $1447. http://www.wealthwire.com/news/metals/925 23 Mar 2011 Silver Passes $37 as U.S. Inflation Nears 9% Official numbers aren't showing inflation (yet), but silver is certainly hinting at something. Next stop: $50? http://www.wealthwire.com/news/metals/918 21 Mar 2011 Silver Closes Over $36 as China Buys News that China imported 245 tons of silver in February may be related to the move. http://www.wealthwire.com/news/headlines/909 If you do the comparison - Silver and other asset class , precious metal is one of the tools you can hedge against inflation, and Gold and ...
自由, 夫复何求? (观念篇)
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当你知道你可以想出国旅游就出国旅游,一年想旅游多少次就旅游多少次时,你会发现原来辛苦工作十一个月,一年出国一次旅游充电的目标不再那么有吸引力。 当你知道你可以每天亲自陪伴孩子,载送孩子上下学,而一样可以赚取朝九晚五的工作收入时,你会发现原来不用牺牲那么多,让孩子亲 Kakak 的时间还多过亲你的时间。日子可以过得更好。 当你知道你可以年轻时就退休(25-45岁),不必过那种活到老、做到老(55岁退休,然后才开始所谓的享受人生?)的人生时,你会发现原来有没有退休金其实并不是那么重要。 农民思想的智慧 ( http://howtze.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post.html ) 告诉我们,搞不清楚原则性的策略,就变成输家的先兆了。 适度并正面的比较是好的,除了告诉你人外有人,天外有天,也暗示你的能力未必只局限于现有的成就,或许你可以做得更好,为社会做出更大的贡献。 许多人不敢去梦,不愿去想,多半是因为他们陷入一个时间换取金钱的思维模式(或陷阱?),收入有一个上限,大部分时间被绑在这个收入来源中。 要跳脱老鼠赛跑(Rat Race)的陷阱,要了解 信息的价值 ( http://howtze.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_11.html ),尽量 与成功者交往 ( http://howtze.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_10.html ), 因为 一理通百理明 ( http://howtze.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_06.html )。 你在资本主义社会里的 最终极资产 ( http://howtze.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_07.html )就是你自己,在进行任何投资前,最重要投资在自己的教育! 多一个思路,多一条出路。山不转路转,路不转人转。你有多少信息是来自于那些已经获得了你期望获得的人生成就的人? p/s: 如果把人生寿命比作一场足球赛(1-35岁=上半场,36-70岁=下半场,举例而已,人生七十古来稀嘛),那么年轻退休就好比少林足球戏里的少林队一样,在上半场就踢完 40 比 0 的佳绩了。
When Gold Stops Going Up
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As the rest of the world deals with skyrocketing energy, food, and clothing prices, there is still a handful of in-the-know investors becoming filthy rich. What you need to understand as an investor is the long-term cycle of markets. Gold will continue to go up until three things change: - Inflation is recognized. (It will be an issue in the 2012 presidential elections.) - Helicopter Bernanke is replaced at the Fed with an inflation hawk. - U.S. get a new president. Until then, the best returns are ahead for gold. As you can see by the gold chart above, the trend line keeps getting steeper... but it has yet to go parabolic. And as you can see from the CSCO chart, the last years of a bull market see the fastest gains. http://www.wealthwire.com/news/metals/913
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一般人都認為我國物價飆升得太厲害。短短這一兩年來,巴生谷區域的新建排屋,摸下手都說要半個百萬以上。一般人認為,以一般大馬人不起反降的入息相比(還記得1995年本地大學畢業生入工起薪3500令吉還嫌三嫌四,現在本地大學畢業生入工起薪2500令吉嫌低,人人都說你太挑剔。)簡直是太不靠譜了。 另一個事實是,現在的屋價,有人覺得貴,有人覺得便宜。 畢竟我們是一個馬來西亞,很多個現實。對一個現實裡的人,屋價很靠譜,對另一些現實裡的人,屋價很離譜。其他現實的人就不好說了。 對大馬裸民來說,現在的屋價貴嗎?如果他們留在大馬發展,正正當當地幹,要在巴生谷這地區買間像樣的屋子,難啊難。 不過,現在是地球村年代。大馬人只要有料肯干,可尋找能夠發揮本身才幹的地方,新港台日中國、歐澳美甚至倫敦。等你在這些地方找到錢,就會和發展商一樣覺得,大馬的房屋太便宜了。便宜到,你不想要! 大馬裸民,到世界去拼吧!大馬的屋價,便宜! http://www.chinapress.com.my/content_new.asp?dt=2011-03-17&sec=forum&art=0317fc06.txt
Best Internet Business
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協助人們發揮潛能並給予支持,未來他們也能回饋社會,協助他人,這是讓世界變得更美好的一種方式。~ 神秘巴西富豪 Jorge paulo Lemann Dear esteemed members and colleagues, As the list growing larger and larger day by day, an automated process for the reviews and training will be more efficient way of communications. This information about running a successful internet business (that brings you great multiple streams of passive income ) is part of my social contribution work, you can download the information that is worth AT LEAST $97 (yup, the e-book price) with NO COST AT ALL. Click here to read more about what you can learn. The overall idea is simple: If you own a web business where your cost is $50 a month and your income, say, is only $100 a month, how much is your ROI? How many such "web properties" can you afford that is bringing you good multiple streams of passive income with NO bank loan, NO BLR concern, NO overhead (NO office mainten...
Newspaper Notes
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Good for you, good for others By Petra Gimbad One day in your life, you may find that kindness is not what you thought it to be. There is a fine balance with no easy answers between self-care and selfishness, and between being kind and practising stupid compassion. The practice of compassion towards others must include oneself. http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=58584 Citizen’s right to affordable housing by S. M. Mohamed Idris, President Consumers Association of Penang Another method to reduce monthly instalments is to stretch the loan tenure to 40 years, beyond the work life of a borrower. The offer of two-generation loans that stretch to 70 years is a reflection of how absurd the situation has become. Borrowers are encouraged to saddle future generations with debt. http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=58583 Hello, Tourism M’sia Cardiff calling by R. Nadeswaran We cannot get up one morning and declare: "We’ll have a celebrity golf tournament next month...
What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex
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A two hundred page book and every page is totally blank. In other words, the book is made up of blank pages!! What to do with the book? Well, you can take is as a humorous talking point, or simply make a very effective use as a notebook. Brought to you by Sheridan 'Shed' Simove, performer, author of 'Ideas Man' (which has words in it), and novelty gift entrepreneur, what's printed on the back cover may give you some insights why the book is presented in such way: "For millennia, humans have marvelled at the difference between men and women. It's widely known that the female gender is far superior to men in most areas - emotionally, cognitively and socially. But, to date, the complex secrets of a man's mind have eluded science. Apart from 'sex', what does a man actually think about? In this groundbreaking book, Professor Shed Simove, reveals the true depth of a man's mind. After years of painstaking research, he has precisely identifi...
Types of Income, The Unfair Advantage?
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A different approach to illustrate different type of income. :) When some people hear the words "Unfair Advantage", they get an angry feeling like somehow people are cheating or not playing by the rules that are "fair." I can tell a lot about a person when they respond that way. They're usually the people who sell their labor for a wage or salary. They don't own assets. Instead they are owned by a job. They will most likely never own anything of value and many will die with nothing, simply because our schools and their families never taught them what they need to know about money. The rich understand that money is not an asset, they are the asset. They have the knowledge required to generate real wealth. Their knowledge is the true unfair advantage. The Unfair Advantage of Knowledge The Unfair Advantage of Taxes The Unfair Advantage of Debt The Unfair Advantage of Risk The Unfair Advantage of Compensation Related: Comparison - Silver and other ...
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“你要花$39.95购买一本书?” “不,我花$39.95购买的是一个人的生活。他花了25年所发现的东西,我只需几个小时就能学到。” 普通人不明白信息的价值。他们看着价格标签自言自语:“这么贵?印刷这本书、录制这盘CD,花不了这么多钱啊。”似乎它的价值就在于它的物质构成。这些人显然从来没有体验过真正的学习。 你最好 与成功者交往 向某个已经越过你正要越过的雷区的人学习。一旦找到了正确的讯息来源,就要养成日常习惯,吸收信息并加以运用。 另一个很好的例子就是许多人认为电脑软件或服务是便宜甚至免费的东西(要知道, 关于钱,你不能不懂的基本知识 - 天下没有白吃的午餐)结果,他们为了只愿意支付那么一丁点的费用,理所当然的结果是比同行或竞争对手差之毫厘,谬以千里啦!在英文我们说 pay peanut get monkeys,付出花生(小钱),得到猴子! For those who think software or ICT services are cheap or even free things, they wouldn't do better than their peers or competitors who set higher budget when it comes to business intelligent and automation. These cheapo will be caught up in situation that we call "pay peanut get monkeys"... :)
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成功者的思维不同。你阅读的书、你交往的人,将决定你的命运。 这是不太为人们所明白的常识。 一位汽车业界的富豪企业家说,他的大儿子想进入投资和金融管理领域。于是,他聘请了一家大型证卷公司的 CEO、顶级财务顾问莱指导他的儿子。 他的儿子和专家们一起坐在交易室里,接听电话,同百万富翁们交谈,从实习中学到了证卷业最新、经过验证的“社会智慧”。他学习的不是教材,而是证卷业里顶级的赚钱者。相比之下,一个接受了高昂的大学教育,学习的却可能是过时理论的优秀大学毕业生,又怎样呢? 成功者创造性地将宝贵的学习时间融入他们紧张忙碌的生活之中。他们可能每天只有10 到15分钟的时间阅读或听 CD,他们可能不一定是最快速的学习者,但他们是持之以恒的学习者,这就是他们处于领先地位的原因。 要知道为什么孟母三迁吗? 要明智地选择朋友和交往者。 要知道,和思维层次相同的人在一起,我们通常会感到最舒服。如果你同那些喋喋不休地讲述坏消息、唠叨、抱怨的朋友呆在一起,感觉居然舒服,那我只能给你一个简单的建议:“寻找新朋友!” 正确的交往者和导师会拓展你的思维,引领你走出“舒适区”,引导你走向成功而不是只做你的老朋友。 我们所受到的批评和怀疑是非常真实的,可能令人沮丧的。 你要明白,并非每个人的观点都是同等重要的。 如果我们谈论的是高尔夫球,那“老虎”Tiger Woods的观点就要比你的邻居重要;如果我们谈论的是篮球,那么的Michael Jordon的观点的分量,就要超过你的同事的观点。 如果我们谈论的是你光明的未来,那成功者的观点的分量就要超过没有成功的人! 如果你没有获得你想要的生活,那你可能没有正确的学习对象。 你有多少信息是来自于那些已经获得了你期望获得的人生成就的人? 很多富人都出生卑微,他们的钱不是别人送给他们的,是他们自己创造的。我见到的富人越多,与那些创富成功的人交谈越多,向他们学习越多,我就越坚信:我也能做到。当我们内心决定了一个终点,并相信能够到达这个终点,我们的大脑就会主动地寻找通往终点的道路。Why is always more important than how,though both are important. 行动的意愿源于你知道自己能做到。孩子们有着强烈的学习欲望,是因为他们将这个世界当成了他们的游乐场。 你观...
Copycat Marketing 101
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复制猫营销101 真正的财富意味着拥有完全的自由去选择如何花费你的时间和金钱。 当今社会需要两样东西:第一,富人需要知道穷人如何生活;第二,穷人需要知道富人怎么生活。~约翰 富斯特 John Foster 杠杆 - 通过最有效的运用时间、力气和金钱来提高生产力。 今天,有一个你一旦完成了工作便可得到 1000 倍报酬的方式,而不是你做 1000 次的工作才能获得报酬的方式 - 复制历史上最有钱的人建立财富的系统。 如果你想变得富有,就找一个富有的人,做成他正在做的事情。~石油大亨,J.Paul Getty 我们整天工作,却睡在草堆里,到死才发现这是一个陷阱。~Joe Hill, 美国 20 年代工会领袖 忙并不能说明什么,蚂蚁也很忙。问题是,我们究竟忙什么?~大卫 索罗 Henry David Thoreau 如果你在空中建立了庙宇,不必担心,他们本该在那里。现在请在下面打基础。~大卫 索罗 Henry David Thoreau 军队的入侵可以抵抗,一个时机成熟的思想却无法抵抗。~Victor Hugo
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一般人对信用卡有恐惧,因为之前刷暴卡,财务规划不好导致浪费很多时间清理卡债。 哪里跌倒哪里爬起来。只要财务上自律并运用妥当,信用卡是一个很好的金钱工具。 拿一个去油站添油的日常消费动作为例: 一个同时使用信用卡、会员卡(或忠诚卡)的消费者,可获得4个其他好处: 1。信用卡积分 2。消费记录 (信用卡月结单) 3。会员卡(或忠诚卡)Loyalty Cards - 信用卡以外的卡积分 (如 Shell 的 Bonuslink, 或 Esso 的 EssoMobil) 4。精明准时的还款记录,方便你未来与银行的其他贷款 (credit scores) 同样一个打油的小动作,就可以让你“挤出”更多“钱”(积分可换取日用品或其他物品),比他人多出 4 种效益! Paying attention to few things that most men ignored made a few men rich. ~ Henry Ford 当然,信用卡的 Auto Debit 还可以让你每个月省下不少车油与时间去偿付水电费及其他一切帐单,腾出的时间可以从事更有效益的工作! Related: About Money and Wealth 关于钱,你不能不懂的基本知识
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"Go to school. Get a job. Retire at 55." VS "Retire Young Retire Rich - Never work again! Unless you choose to..." “Go to school, get a job, retire at 55” VS “Retire Young Retire Rich – Never work again! Unless you choose to...” Which one sounds better to you? When you have all the time freedom, geographical freedom, and financial freedom, you work because you choose to, not because you have to. It is important to change your context and act in a new way - to stop blindly accepting that your options are limited. Act beyond a concept of limited options and realize you don't have to struggle financially, with clear, actionable steps that any individual can take, starting with education...When education becomes applied knowledge, it is a powerful tactic with measurable results. 孩子:为何你没有时间陪我们?;父亲:我必须工作,让你们有更好的生活。;结果,工作超过12小时,为确保孩子/家人更美好的生活?- 大部分人陷入这么一个盲(忙?)点,是因为他们认为自己没有其他选择,或阿Q地说“其他人都是这样的咯”。。。是吗?。。。选择比努力重要,改变一些观念,创造更多成就;多一条思路,多一个出路。 选择你所爱,爱你所选择。我超爱我的选择。感恩...
Smart Farmers will be Driving Lamborghini
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1. Hedge yourself by shorting or selling something else. 2. Agriculture, mining, alternative energy, energy... 3. There is a major shift. some people will benefit enormously from the shift, some people will suffer but that's the way history is always work. You always have some people doing better and some people in decline. 4. I do sometimes like to buy things when they collapse. Sometimes I get it right. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I lose money. Quote from the 1800's, by the father of a still-prominent banking dynasty: The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets.~ Baron Rothschild Related: Gold and Silver The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History
About Money and Wealth
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1. Invest for Cash Flow. Capital gain / appreciation is a bonus. 2. Assets and Liabilities Assets put money into your pocket. Liabilities take money out of your pocket. 3. The Goose That Lays the Golden Eggs IF you trade your hours for money, YOU are the Golden Goose! Instead of working for money, create multiple streams of passive income , raise a pool of geese that lay the golden eggs for your freedom! 4. The 4 Financial Forces Taxes,debt,inflation, and not needing a retirement plan can make you richer if you use different rules of money. Related: 关于钱,你不能不懂的基本知识 Gold and Silver Why insurance is important?
Unfair Advantage
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Almost received three related messages in a same time. Interesting... What have we been taught about money? In most cases, the answer is: "Not much." --------------------------------------- It's a recovery only if you're rich Where you sit in the socioeconomic strata largely determines how you view the economy and how much you've benefited from the recovery so far. By all indications, this is a recovery only if you're rich... http://money.msn.com/how-to-invest/its-a-recovery-only-if-youre-rich-mirhaydari.aspx A little proof: 《福布斯》:比去年增值336億‧40大馬富豪身家1882億 40位的大馬富豪的身價總值激增,較去年增長了22%。這主要是與全球經濟復甦有關,比去年增加7.2%,是自2000年以來,增長率最高的一年。 http://www.guangming.com.my/node/97060 Malaysia’s 40 richest worth US$62b The better coffers come on the back of the country’s healthy economy which grew 7.2% last year, the highest rate since 2000. http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=58296 Stocks have nearly doubled in the last two years. We're a long way from the da...
Money, Money, Everywhere
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For someone out of work, deeply in debt, and not earning enough money to make ends meet, it’s hard to imagine that the world’s problem is too much money. It’s like the old saying, “Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink.” The world’s problem is too much money. The problem is that without financial education in our schools, which is part of the conspiracy, most people—even highly educated people from good schools—are short of money even while floating in a sea of money. Today, trillions of dollars are circling the globe looking for people who know what to do with it all. This tsunami of money is causing booms and busts all over the world. For those of you who understand macro-economic forces, when tons of money moves into a country, the banks need to lend that money immediately. The reason this credit expansion happens is because savings are a bank’s liability. Money in a savings account costs the bank money due to storage fees and interest payments. The only way a bank...
About Politicians
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Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. ~ P.J. O'Rourke This is quite interesting. What if politicians or the mass public found out that they could do without government (or politician?) Belgium thriving despite having no government Belgium has been without a government for 260 days since the general election in last June as the parties from the Dutch-speaking north and French-speaking south remain split. The two parties have failed to compromise and co-operate to form a coalition government. Hence, Belgium holds the world record of having no government for such a long time... http://www.mysinchew.com/node/53951 Could be one of the thing Mayer Rothschild seen when he said, "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws." Belgium's Record Waffling Belgian’s more than eight months of political stasis raises an interesting issue: Is a federal government a necessity? "A...
Gold and Silver
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Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 - Gold Hits $1423, Another All-Time High The Fed is still printing! For the forseeable future. What do they not get about this story? Today, the world has nearly run out of silver, just as paper money is beginning to fail around the world as gold begins to explode upwards in price. As investment demand returns to gold and silver for savings (as a store of value), like it will for no other commodities, physical silver prices will explode past them all, because monetary demand will return. 时局动荡·抢购保值 巴生谷黄金销量增 南洋商报 2011/02/27 除了金条,22K(916黄金)及24K(999黄金)的金饰品,其实也属于可保值的金饰品。 “金饰品除了保值,还可以拿来佩戴,甚至传给下一代。” 本月21日,利比亚紧张的局势导致国际油价和金价在当天大幅上涨,其中金价突破每安士1400美元大关(伦敦现货黄金价格报每安士1407.60美元或4293.18令吉),创7周来新高。 其实在越南、泰国及印尼等国家,因为政局经常不稳,或频频更换政府,所以当地民众危机意识非常高,进而较喜欢购买黄金,在当地人的投资组合中,黄金约占50%至60%的比例。 黄金才是真正的国际货币,其地位难以被其他货币取代,因此是保本的最佳选择。 获认证公司出售的金条或金币,都经过国内独立化验机构的验证,并附有证书。 “独立化验机构获得政府认证,它们获得大马规格及研究局认证(SIRIM)的核准。” http://nanyang.com.my/Newscenter/articledetail.asp?type=N&ID=2...