
"Go to school. Get a job. Retire at 55." 


"Retire Young Retire Rich 

- Never work again! Unless you choose to..." 

“Go to school, get a job, retire at 55” VS “Retire Young Retire Rich – Never work again! Unless you choose to...” Which one sounds better to you? When you have all the time freedom, geographical freedom, and financial freedom, you work because you choose to, not because you have to.

It is important to change your context and act in a new way - to stop blindly accepting that your options are limited. Act beyond a concept of limited options and realize you don't have to struggle financially, with clear, actionable steps that any individual can take, starting with education...When education becomes applied knowledge, it is a powerful tactic with measurable results.

孩子:为何你没有时间陪我们?;父亲:我必须工作,让你们有更好的生活。;结果,工作超过12小时,为确保孩子/家人更美好的生活?- 大部分人陷入这么一个盲(忙?)点,是因为他们认为自己没有其他选择,或阿Q地说“其他人都是这样的咯”。。。是吗?。。。选择比努力重要,改变一些观念,创造更多成就;多一条思路,多一个出路。





How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!