Education Should Be Free

True education was to be restricted to the son and daughters of the elite. For the rest, it would be better to produce skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life. ~ G.Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island

Above statement was mentioned when studying education and freedom. Below are some related points happening in the real world, excerpt from an article from The Sun Daily newspaper.

As far as young people are concerned, they could play an important role. Young people in campus, they have no responsibilities. And they are full of hope and aspiration.

But what the government did – which was very bad – was burden young people with debts. The moment you enter campus, you are in ... I was so shocked! RM40,000, RM60,000 debt. Come on! You are only 22 and you have a RM40,000 debt? Gila! So they tie you up, you know?

After paying off PTPTN (National Higher Education Fund Corporation) loan, pay for a car loan … then a house. So all your life is about trying to pay debts. Sowhen are you going to have your life, man? When are you going to pack your bags and go to Latin America? You will never do that, isn’t it? When will you pack your bags and go (to the) North Pole? You can never do that!

Education Should Be Free

This is what former student activist, writer and socio-political observer Hishammudin Rais' view on whether education should be free:

Education is the nation’s investment in the population. It is about having a better and more knowledgeable population. Having better citizens. So if youwere trained as a doctor, you serve the nation; youwere trained as an engineer, you serve the country. So that is what it is all about. How come studying from Standard 1 to Form 5 is free, but when it comes to college or university you have to pay? I don’t understand that.

In fact, student activists should now know what exactly they are fighting for. To be on the street, not knowing … is a very stupid thing. I don’t think anybody in their correct mind will go to the streets not knowing why they are there.

Poetry is in the streets




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