Bomb Bust and Lies

Even though Lehman Brothers is gone, attorneys and consultants are making a fortune picking over the dead corporation's carcass. According to The New York Times nearly a billion dollars had been spent cutting up the fallen giant and selling off the parts.

It appears that GM used borrowed government money to repay borrowed money. Isn't that the same thing most subprime investors were doing, using their home equity loans to pay off mountains of credit card debt? It all worked - for a while.

Tragically, the world economy is doing the same thing GM is doing, using borrowed money to pay off bad loans. As more printed money flows into the system, the stock and gold markets continue to climb. If I were a gambling man, I'd say that when the stock market crashes, gold and silver will climb higher.

You can't rebuild an economy by using same lies that caused the crisis. The Federal Reserve Bank is not federal, nor is it a bank. It's a banking cartel that has the power to control America's money supply - and consequently the world's.

As long as the world continues to believe the lies that we can print as much money we want and that we can spend more money than we earn, the bombs, busts, and lies will continue.




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