Crashing Into The Future

The issue at hand was the moster crash that is still coming and how you can not only survive but also profit from it.

The nice thing about gold and silver is that's a good investment, even for financially brain-dead people. It doesn't take much intelligence to go to your local coin store, buy gold and silver coins, and hide them.

Invest in oil and gas - IF an oil well produces oil for 25 years, the investors receives passive income for 25 years, and a tax break for 25 years. That means rather than pay taxes on their income, which they'd pay if they saved money in a bank or invested in a retirement plan, the investor gets a tax break.

The people who will do the worst when the crash comes are employees and the self-employed. When the crash comes, the central banks of the world will print more money, which will cause inflation. When inflation hits, employees and the self-employed will probably work harder and demand more money to cover their higher cost of living. This will drive them into a higher tax bracket, which means they will work harder and make more money, but they will also pay progressively higher taxes.

On top of that, the people following these old rules are having their wealth siphoned from their pockets by the government through taxes.

While no one wants a crash, a crash is unfortunately inevitable.




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!