Feed In Tariff, Renewable Energy

This could be another good passive income besides Automated Internet Business. However, do your own due diligence and invest accordingly (your skill sets, cash flow, financial education level, risk appetite etc).



2011年8月15日 : 7附屬條款需擬定 電力收購制展延至12月
能源、綠色工藝及水務部長拿督斯里陳華貴今日宣佈,原訂9月1日實行的鼓勵國內再生能源發展“電力收購制”(Feed-in Tarrif Mechanism),展延至12月1日。他說,由于在2011年再生能源法令下,仍有7個附屬條款需要擬定,以確保此計劃順暢執行,因此政府決定展延"電力收購制"。"為了確保電力收購制順暢、有效及透明進行,能源部檢討了推行的日期。能源部從其他推行電力收購制的國家吸取經驗,要確保此計劃有效推行,必須先有明確的立法。"

2011年9月10日 : 再生能源設固打制避免加重政府負擔

2011年11月22日 : 電費超過RM77.4多付1% 下月實行影響三成用戶

How you can sell back power to Tenaga

CONSUMERS who install their own renewable energy sources such as solar modules at home and can earn as much as RM600 amonth by selling the power generated to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) under the REAct 2011 when the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) is launch next month, Nanyang Siang Pau reported yesterday.

Under FiT, some two million households whose electricity bills exceed RM77.40 (300kWh) amonthwill have to pay a fee equivalent to 1%of the bill to a fundmanaged by Sustainable Energy Development AuthorityMalaysia (Seda).

The money will be used to pay those who produce renewable energy (RE) by harnessing solar power, use of small hydro, biomass and biogas.

At present, households pay TNB 40 sen per kWh (kilowatt-hour) for power consumed but theywill be paid RM1.20 per kWh by selling RE back to TNB.

Seda chairman Datuk Seri Dr Fong Chan Onn toldNanyangthat it is viable for households to take part in RE by installing a small-scale solar PV producer.

Explaining how the public can generate income in this area, he said: “Based on an average of three hours of sunshine a day, (for an average solar PV producer) 18 kWh of power can be generated a day, or 540kWh amonth.

“This works out to RM648 amonth (based on RM1.20 a kWh), or RM7,776 a year.”

He said the RM50,000 needed to install the solar PV can be recouped in seven to eight years.

“The annual return of 5% from the investment is higher than the fixed deposit rates offered by banks,” he said.

The Sun Daily, 29 November 2011, Page 9

Smart Grid Electricity Feasibility - the internet of electricity?

Overview of the FiT System in Malaysia

FAQ of the FiT System in Malaysia





How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!