
目前显示的是 三月, 2009的博文

Toward Socialism

For the rich and powerful, the rule change meant they could print money on any ordinary piece of paper. Our money had been debauched. By changing the rules of money, the rich could legally steal our wealth via the money system itself. She may be just a fruit vendor, but when it comes to money, she's no fool. Today, people do what they have been taught to do; they go to school, work hard, pay their bills, save, invest their money in mutual funds, and hope that things will return to normal. That is why everyone is clamoring for his or her share of the bailout. Few people realize that the root of our problem is our money - the very thing they work for and hang on to. Few people realize that those who control the money supply want us to need more and more of their toxic money. The more we need money, the more money they can print. The more we need money, the weaker we become. The more we need money, the more we're headed toward socialism. Rather than teaching people to fish, the go...

The next round of looting

What should worry you now -- if you can spare a neuron or two from worrying about the economy, your job, your retirement savings, your mortgage and the meltdown of the global financial system -- is that the looters aren't in retreat. If anything, they're getting more brazen. For example, in the early days of the AIG crisis, Goldman Sachs Group (GS, news, msgs) denied it had any "material" exposure to AIG's troubles. It wasn't until months after then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, a former CEO of Goldman Sachs, organized a bailout of AIG that taxpayers found out the biggest recipient of taxpayer money, pocketing $12.9 billion of the $170 billion bailout, was -- ta-da! -- Goldman Sachs. The next round of looting is likely to come in the name of reform. I'm just as skeptical about calls to give the Federal Reserve more power, turning it into a superregulator for the financial system. More power to the same Fed that could find only three examples of predato...

Fluke? Credit crisis was a heist

Thanks to a complicit Congress, the reins were systematically loosened on the looters of the financial industry. And they're still at it, looking for new plunder. Question: How is it that the Office of Thrift Supervision, a unit of the Treasury Department that regulates the savings and loan industry, wound up as the primary federal regulator for insurance giant AIG? Answer: Either these examiners, used to the world of savings and loans, didn't understand the complex derivatives transactions they were seeing, or, as in the IndyMac case, they decided to go along. In either case, the agency didn't step in to halt the practice. Question: Why weren't state insurance regulators more aggressive in regulating AIG? Answer: Because the federal government had forced them to back off. An aggressive interpretation of the definition of insurance could have let state insurance agencies regulate the derivatives contracts that AIG's financial-products group was writing out of London...

By mid-2009, pessimism deepens (5 Part Road Map by Jim Jubak)

Stage 3: By mid-2009, pessimism deepens Investors haven't reached the stage called capitulation, which will finally put the bottom in this bear. In that stage, the last optimist throws in the towel. Everybody says he'll never buy a stock again. Comparing certificate-of-deposit yields passes as cocktail-party conversation. The hot topic on financial-magazine covers is how little to put into your 401(k). What would I do at this stage of my road map? Collect my dividends. Count myself lucky that I moved enough money into cash so that I don't face margin calls on my portfolio from either Wall Street or the accidents of life. Hang on to what I still own by remembering that I did my homework on these stocks early on, and the profit will indeed outweigh the pain. Stage 5: Recovery after 2010 You know what this stage looks like: It's the economy and stock market of the 1990s before the dot-com boom turned into a bubble, or the economy and market before the housing boom turned i...

Your guide to the next 12 months

"Your guide to the next 12 months": Everything changed March 18 (at least for the short run; in the long run, probably not quite so much). That's the day the Federal Reserve announced it would buy $300 billion of U.S. Treasury notes. There's nothing subtle about this: The Fed is printing money in order to stimulate the economy. At least that's the theory. Over the next year, we'll find out if the real economy responds to theory. But in the short run, the Fed's move has had powerful effects. It sent the U.S. dollar lower against the euro by 3.2% and the yen by 2.3% as investors anticipated that lower U.S. interest rates and higher U.S. inflation will result from adding $300 billion to the money supply. Gold rallied, jumping 6.6%, as did oil and, indeed, just about every commodity and every stock linked to a hard asset. The effect was so strong that on March 19, as the indexes fell, commodity stocks rallied, with investors snapping up commodity stocks as hed...

Sources say toxic asset plan near completion

One program will use the bailout fund to create a public-private partnership to back purchases of bad assets by private investors. A second portion of the plan will expand a recently launched program being run by the Federal Reserve called the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF. That program is providing loans for investors ( who are these people? ) to buy assets backed by consumer debt in an effort to make it easier for consumers to get auto, student and credit card loans. Under Geithner's proposal, this program would be expanded to support investors' purchases of banks' toxic assets. The third part of the Geithner plan would utilize the resources of the FDIC, the agency that guarantees bank deposits, to purchase toxic assets. Geithner's new plan would tap the resources of the Fed and the FDIC to attack what many analysts see as the major failing of the bank rescue effort so far, the failure to rid banks' of more than $1 trillion in bad loans and ...

The Biggest Wealth Transfer in World History

Today, the entire world is running on Monopoly money. But what if the party is over? Will bailouts save us? Ironically, every time there is a bailout our national debt grows bigger, we pay more in taxes, the rich get richer, and our money's value edges closer to zero. Every time our governments print more money, our money becomes less valuable. We work harder for less and less, and our savings are worht less and less. I am not saying today's Monopoly money will go to zero. I'm not saying it won't either. Yet, if history does repeat itself (With no solid backing and being easily counterfeited, the continentals quickly lost their value, giving voice to the phrase " not worth a continental ".), and if the U.S. dollars goes to zero, the worldwide chaos will be cataclysmic ( Amero ). It will be the biggest wealth transfer in world history. The rich will get richer. And the poor will most definitely get poorer. The middle class will be wiped out.

Invest for Cash Flow

Today, I do not need job security because I have financial security. The difference between financial security and financial panic can be as simple as knowing the difference between capital gains and cash flow . My wealth is not dependent upon market values going up or down (a.k.a. capital gains). I invest almost exclusively for cash flow. I invest for cash flow in real estate, which means every month I receive checks - passive income. Since most people invested for capital gains, counting on the price of their stock investments or their home to go up in price, they are in trouble today. The problem is investing for cash flow requires a higher degree of financial intelligence than investing for capital gains. It is easier to invest for cash flow during a financial crisis. So don't waste a good crisis by hiding your head in the sand! The longer this crisis lasts, the richer some people will become. I want you to be one of them. Today, one of the new rules is to focus your mind and ...

The game of Monopoly

The game of Monopoly By playing the game, I learned the difference between cash flow and capital gains . For example, if I owned a property with one green house on it, I got paid ten dollars a month in rent. If I had three houses on the same property, I received fifty dollars a month in rent. And the ultimate goal was to have one red hotel on the same property. To win at the game of Monopoly, you had to invest for cash flow - not capital gains. Knowing the difference between cash flow and capital gains at the age of nine was one of the most important lessons my rich dad taught me. In other words, financial education can be as simple as a fun game and can provide financial security for generations - even during a financial crisis.

Useful Financial Notes

Asset You may notice that today, when banks foreclosure on a property, they do not want the house. Homes are not assets. You are the asset - or rather your ability to pay the interest on the loan is the asset. ------------------------------------------------- Money is Knowledge In simple terms, real estate is not worth much if there are no jobs, because jobs attract people, and where people are flowing, cash is flowing. Since the first New Rule of Money is Money is Knowledge, your knowledge of money must include learning to use debt and learning to control your personal cash flows, as well as monitoring the flows of jobs, people and money throughout the world. ----------------------------- Gold and Purchasing Power, Currencies Value In 1970, one thousand dollars would have bought approximately 28 ounces of gold. By March 2009, with gold at approximately $900 an ounce, those 28 ounces of gold could be sold for around $25,000 - even after the largest stock market crash in history. The pu...


温家宝中外记者会内容摘录: (北京13 日法新电) 中国政府的目标是,在合理、均衡的水平上,保持人民币币值的基本稳定。 这是由我们自己决定,任何国家不能对人民币升值或贬值施加压力。 中国是美国最大的债权国。。我们把巨额资金借给美国, 当然关心我们资产的安全。说句老实话,我确实有些担心。 信心比黄金和货币还要重要。只有信心才能产生勇气和力量,只有勇气和力量才能战胜困难。 “莫道今年春将尽,明年春色倍还人。我期待着明年中国和世界都会变得更好。” 唐朝诗人杜审言 《春日京中有怀》 今年游寓独游秦,愁思看春不当春。 上林苑里花徒发,细柳营前叶漫新。 公子南桥应尽兴,将军西第几留宾。 寄语洛城风日道,明年春色倍还人。 “寄语洛城风日道,明年春色倍还人。”意思是,我寄语给洛阳城,希望明年这里的春色更为动人!

Why Money Is Not Taught In School (2)

According to Time magazine, from 2000 to 1007, America's biggest export was debt. What the smartest and brightest minds in the banking and investment world were doing was not much different than when a poor person refinances his or her home to pay off credit cards. If people had more financial education, they would not blindly believe that their house is an asset, that saving money is smart, that diversification would protect them from rish, and that investing for the long term in mutual funds is a smart way to invest. But because of our lack of financial education, the powers that be are able to continue with their destructive monetary policies. It is to their benefit that you and I are in the dark. This is why the rich had to first take over our educational system before they could flood the world with debt. This is why our schools do not teach us about money. Related: Why Money Is Not Taught In School


章玲芳 中美的海上風波 2009-03-13 20:26 雖然南中國海看似一個佈滿許多杳無人跡的島嶼的海域,但它卻是世界上繁忙和最複雜的水道。 舉凡最富和最強的國家都依靠這條水道運送商品,而這深海底下蘊藏的豐富石油儲存,更是讓各國虎視耽耽。 就因為處在這個政策性地理位置,亞洲地區若有一天爆發軍事衝突,南中國海可能是起源地。 世界逾半海運都是航行南中國海,其中三分之二為原油,誰控制南中國海的水道,就能制衡區域發展最快速的國家,這就是致使這次“水戰”事件引起國際高度關注的原因。 中國和美國雖然隔了一個大西洋,但卻持續對軍事問題而起衝突,包括2001年4月1日美國EP-3偵察機在海南島與中國戰機相撞事件。兩國僵局也因美國加快導彈防禦部署計劃而升級。 儘管美國國防部的戰略家一再否認,但美國部署導彈防禦系統的本意,就是圍堵中國,防諸中國的軍事力量的擴大。 以現代戰爭的角度而言,這次的海上摩擦不過是“滄海一粟”,但事件卻說明,中美要在南中國海擴大海上勢力的意圖。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/9106


評論:劉鎮東‧救市還是救黨? 2009-03-13 19:50 細讀財長演說全文、理解大馬政治經濟學的評論人,都同意這是給大企業的“財團福利”(corporate welfare)和給與巫統有關的建築承包商的強心劑。兩者以外的大眾不必介懷。 經濟學其中一個最基本的道理叫“機會成本”,做了某件事,相同的資源就不能做另一件事,救了財團,就少了那麼一筆珍貴的資源拯市。 例如,迷你預算案宣佈賠償大道公司4億8000萬令吉,“以確保過路費不會漲價”,也意味市井小民少了4億8千萬令吉。如果將這筆款項分派給5萬名貧窮人士,每人至少將在1年內每個月獲得800令吉。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/9098 迦瑪魯汀‧吉打印象 2009-03-13 19:56 我問回他們一句,要巫統還是回教黨?他們不加思索地說:PAS。我再問:如果巫統給你們每人500令吉呢?他們頓時含羞地埋下頭,又靦靦腆地相互對望…… http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/9099 陳莉珍 我還以為美夢就要成真了 2009-03-13 20:01 聽起來有點可悲,為提防在暗處的賊人,我們必須改變自己的生活方式。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/9100 歪歪 想好好才買車 2009-03-13 20:03 當你為了5000令吉而選擇把一輛已清還貸款的汽車換掉,那麼你會為了一個5000令吉而失去更多的投資機會。供車幾年的錢足夠用來嘗試做很多不一樣的投資。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/9101

The Federal Reserve is a banking cartel. The Fed runs the game.

The Federal Reserve is a banking cartel Ironically, the world is looking to the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury to solve our money problem even though those institutions are causing the problem. Federal Reserve is not federal, and it is not American. The Fed is owned by some of the richest families in the world. The Federal Reserve is a banking cartel just as OPEC is an oil cartel. Few people realize it has no reserves because it has no money. It does not need a big vault to hold money. Why do you need to store money when Monopoly's rules for bankers apply? The Federal Reserve Bank is not a bank - that idea is as illusionary as our money. --------------------------------- The Fed runs the game It does little good to question the motives of the Federal Reserve's founders. The reality is that today the Fed runs the game. Rather than ask if the trillion dollar stimulus package will work, it is smarter to ask yourself, " Where does that trillion dollars come from? Is it ...

On August 15, 1971 the U.S. dollar died.

On August 15, 1971 the U.S. dollar died. On that day, without authorization from Congress, President Nixon severed the relationship between the US Dollar and gold, and the dollar became Monopoly money. After that, the biggest economic boom in history began. The problem is that Monopoly is just a game. Applying Monopoly's rules in real life is a recipe for the destruction of society as we know it. As John Maynard Keynes said, " The process [of debauching currency] engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose. " One reason why people ignored the advice of Keynes, Nixon's 1971 change, and others on the destruction of money is because debauching the currency suddenly made people feel rich. In many ways it was money for nothing - because money was nothing. (Related: Financial Freedom ) In today's digital age bankers do not need paper to create money. As you read th...

The Bank never "goes broke"

The Bank never "goes broke." If the Bank runs out of money, it may issue as much more as may be needed by merely writing on any ordinary piece of paper. - Rules from the game of Monopoly. Had you bought ANY Citibank's Share when it was traded around 1.0x last week? This question somehow similar to the one asked "How many of you bought Phuket/Pattaya's property after Tsunami hit?" A Bit of The History In 2004, the Securities and Exchange Commission allowed the top five banks to print as much money as they needed to by dissolving the reserve limit of 12 to 1 - just to save the economy. A reserve limit of 12 to 1 means for every dollar in the bank's accounts, the bank can lend out 12 dollars in debt. By allowing the top five banks to dissolve the 12 to 1 reserve limit, these banks could now effectively print money at will. Again, as the rules of Monopoly state: The Bank never "goes broke." If the Bank runs out of money, it may issue as much more...

What Have YOU Achieved The Last 90 Days?

just some sharing with you from the mail I receive from Fabian Lim..... :D ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------- What Have YOU Achieved The Last 90 Days? Dear KOH, Time does fly, doesn't it? I'm down to my last three days in Vancouver, Canada, having been here and in the USA for the last 3 months. But I'm glad to say I've accomplished quite a bit during these 3 months, including: - Establishing Click Media USA, LLC, our Search Marketing Consultancy arm - Winning two SEM contracts for Click Media USA, LLC - Secured my first speaking engagement in the USA (in Las Vegas in May 09) - Starting my initial helicopter flying training - Starting my airplane instrument rating training - Being able to snowboard decently (i.e. without tumbling all over!) - Getting hooked onto my new hobby, Texas Hold'em Poker (OK, this one can be quite addictive) It was a fair balance between work and play. So... What have YOU accomplished the last 90 days? It...

Email Marketing

What makes e-mail marketing unique is the ability to both broadcast and target individual personalized content at the same time. It’s also relatively inexpensive compared with other media. Look at the activity of individual recipients on your list over the last six or 12 months, and people that are fundamentally inactive—who haven’t clicked, haven’t opened, haven’t purchased—take ’em off your list. What you really need to be concerned about is total respondents and total conversion rates, not how big your list is. Keep the list extremely private and deal with the purposes people opted in for. That alone will pretty much keep you in the green zone for good e-mail marketing.

U.S. Internet Gambling Back on the Table?

Despite political opposition to Internet gambling in the US, the falling economy and search for new tax revenues has legislators considering a re-deal. Rolling the virtual dice… Smart money is betting that Congress will repeal the 2006 Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) this year, or at least soon. 。。。 worldwide gambling generated $370 billion in annual gross win—the amount retained by operators after paying out winnings—and online gambling accounted for $17 billion of that total. the gross win from worldwide mobile betting services alone will exceed $1 billion annually by 2012. “Gambling is essentially a recession-proof industry,” said the report’s author, Windsor Holden. “While there may be marginal reductions in the level of stakes amongst casual users, the overall appetite for gambling per se will be unaffected.” According to the Alberta-based gambling news site, Gambling911.com , $13.6 billion was lost by gamb...


股息(dividend)是指股份公司从保留赚益中,派发给股东的一部份收益,股息是股东投资于股份公司收益的一部份,是付给股东的资本报酬。 股息只会派给在除权日之前一日持有股票的股东,在除权日当日,或以后才买入股票的人则不能获派股息。 同时,股票交易所会在除权日开市前,自动把股票的上一交易日所市价扣减股息的价值,定为该股票的开市参考价,因此,股价会在开市时自动下跌。 2方式支付股息 企业通常采用2类股息政策: 1。现金股息 2。派发红股方式 1。现金股息 股息没有一定的标准(与利息相反),而且企业可以随时作出变动。一般来说,股息是按季度派发的。 企业也把股息分为: 常规股息:预期在未来持续派发 特别股息:再次派发的可能性极低 衡量股息的3个指标: 每股息(dps):每股获配股息的金额 股息收益率(vidend yield):每股配股/股价 派息率(payout ratio):每股配股/每股盈利 2:以红股取代股息 公司以红股方式发出额外的新股给股东,股东可选择在公开市场卖出这些新股套现。 值得注意的是,公司股价会因红股须除权而调整股价,大市与公司的股价表现,是能否取得最好回酬的关键决定。 企业可以透过派息发出正面的讯息,有财务实力的企业有能力派息。

7 Steps to Building an Online Community

You know you need to build an online community. You understand the benefits it can bring to your organization. You may have even added it to your corporate initiative, but where do you go from here? Learn how to plan, build and launch an online community by joining us for a complimentary webinar. In this webinar, you will learn how to: Define objectives and get company buy-in Decide on the type of community that best supports your objectives – open or closed How to seed your community with initial content Recruit and incent community members Establish an ongoing dialogue with members Power-up the virtuous circle of ongoing community participation

two main indicators on the state of the banking system

With that, the very thing that has helped raise Malaysia’s resilience and been a source of comfort since the US subprime crisis reared its ugly head, which is the country’s strong and healthy banking system, has come under threat. As the siren gets louder and risk aversion is heightened, the biggest concern is – will banks start to cut lending? Generally, there are two main indicators on the state of the banking system – capitalisation measured by the risk weighted capital ratio (RWCR) and asset quality marked by the level of net non-performing loans (NPLs) – both of which remain healthy and more so compared to banks in other countries. The RWCR stands at 12.6%, exceeding the 8% requirement set by the central bank while NPL levels remain low at 2.2%. It helps that banks have adopted better risk management and improved loans quality since the Asian financial crisis.

why 95% of people don't succeed online?

We currently have over 400 members at WIABook. But this newsletter goes out to over 6,000 people! In order words, even for a simple exercise like signing up for a free service, the TAKE ACTION rate is just slighty over 5%! Now you KNOW why 95% of people don't succeed online? Because they (not you) simply DON'T TAKE ACTION! They want SUCCESS but without the WORK. (Is this really possible? Yes! How? Read on...) (Thank goodness you're not one of THEM!) To quote Vince Lombardi, named "Coach of the Century" by ESPN: " The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work . Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price."

Marketing 101: Know your Customer

A disappointed salesman of Coca Cola returns from his Middle East assignment. A friend asked, "Why weren't you successful with the Arabs" The salesman explained, "When I got posted in the Middle East , I was very confident that I would make a good sales pitch as Cola is virtually unknown there. But, I had a problem I didn't speak Arabic. So, I planned to convey the message through three posters... First poster - A man lying in the hot desert sand...totally exhausted and fainting. Second poster - man is drinking our Cola. Third poster- Our man is now totally refreshed. Then these posters were pasted all over the place "That should have worked," said the friend. The salesman replied "I didn't realize that Arabs read from right to left"


The rich teach their children how to convert earned income into either passive or portfolio income. If you were raised middle-class or poor, chances are that you were not taught this single most important fundamental to becoming rich— financially free for life . This is one thing CASHFLOW the game trains players how to do. By playing the game over and over, you begin to break up the core conditioning most people learn at home and at school—the conditioning of working hard for money. By having a coach, you can take these principles and apply them in your real life. You’ll have the feedback and encouragement you need to get started—just like my rich dad did for me. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to think and make decisions about money like the rich do—controlling how you spend money so that you buy assets instead of liabilities. Developing our financial statement helped us to see where we were spending our money, how we can cut costs, and how we can increa...

It's good business for the bank.

In 1903, John D.Rockefeller created the General Education Board. It seems this was done to ensure a steady supply of employees who were always financially in need of money, a job, and job security. There is evidence that Rockefeller was influenced by the Prussian System of education , a system designed to produce good employees and good soldiers, people who dutifully follow orders, such as "Do this or be fired," or, "Turn your money over to me for safe keeping, and I'll invest it for you." Regardless of whether this was Rockefeller's intent in creating the General Education Board, the result today is that even those with good education and a secure job are feeling financially insecure. Without a basic financial education , long-term financial security is almost impossible. Every time an educator brings a banker or a financial planner into their classroom, supposedly in the name of financial education , they are actually allowing the fox to enter the hen h...

Why Money Is Not Taught In School

"The purpose of the foundation [the General Education Board] was to use the power of money, not to raise the level of education in America, as was widely believed at the time, but to influence the direction of that education ...The object was to use the classroom to teach attitudes that encourage people to be passive and submissive to their rulers. The goal was—and is—to create citizens who were educated enough for productive work under supervision but not enough to question authority or seek to rise above their class. True education was to be restricted to the son and daughters of the elite. For the rest, it would be better to produce skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life." G.Edward Griffin in The Creature from Jekyll Island , on Rockefeller's General Education Board, founded in 1903. At best, our children are taught how to balance a checkbook, speculate in the stock market, save money in banks, and invest in a retirement plan "...

Two Sets of Rules (when it came to money)

In 1913, the Rederal Reserve was created, even though the founding fathers, creators of the U.S. Constitution, were very much against a national bank that controlled the money supply. Without proper financial education, few people know that the Federal Reserve is not federal or American, it has no reserves, and it is not a bank. Once the Fed was in place, there were two sets of rules when it came to money: One set of rules for people who " work for money ", and another set of rules for the rich " who print money ". In 1971, when President Nixon took the United States off the gold standard, the conspiracy of the rich was complete. The rules of money were completely changed and heavily tilted in favor of the rich and powerful. The biggest financial boom in the history of the world began, and today, in 2009, that boom has busted. What can I Do? The people who are most worried by our current financial crisis are those playing by the old set of rules. If you want to feel...