The rich teach their children how to convert earned income into either passive or portfolio income.

If you were raised middle-class or poor, chances are that you were not taught this single most important fundamental to becoming rich—financially free for life.

This is one thing CASHFLOW the game trains players how to do. By playing the game over and over, you begin to break up the core conditioning most people learn at home and at school—the conditioning of working hard for money. By having a coach, you can take these principles and apply them in your real life. You’ll have the feedback and encouragement you need to get started—just like my rich dad did for me.

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to think and make decisions about money like the rich do—controlling how you spend money so that you buy assets instead of liabilities.

Developing our financial statement helped us to see where we were spending our money, how we can cut costs, and how we can increase income.




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!