The Biggest Wealth Transfer in World History

Today, the entire world is running on Monopoly money.

But what if the party is over? Will bailouts save us?

Ironically, every time there is a bailout our national debt grows bigger, we pay more in taxes, the rich get richer, and our money's value edges closer to zero.

Every time our governments print more money, our money becomes less valuable.

We work harder for less and less, and our savings are worht less and less.

I am not saying today's Monopoly money will go to zero. I'm not saying it won't either.

Yet, if history does repeat itself (With no solid backing and being easily counterfeited, the continentals quickly lost their value, giving voice to the phrase "not worth a continental".), and if the U.S. dollars goes to zero, the worldwide chaos will be cataclysmic (Amero).

It will be the biggest wealth transfer in world history.

The rich will get richer. And the poor will most definitely get poorer. The middle class will be wiped out.




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