
目前显示的是 四月, 2011的博文

Making The Most Out of Internet Business

for log purpose (in random order): 1. Corporate Online System: google.com/a You can charge for servicing and consultations 2. Online Meeting / Classroom System: gotomeeting.com 3. Adsense Optimization Refer: How to Optimize My Adsense (Part 1) How to Optimize My Adsense (Part 2) If you got time, you can refresh your knowledge starting from: Why Make Money Through Adsense? 4. Plumbing Prospects - Online Campaign Jewelry + Home Product, your initial cost is 5,000 for system setup (I have the appropriate person to setup from those handling winFreeGPS.com), the rest FB activities and updates will be your "part time job". Closed 3 x such similar projects and they will bring you some 6k/mth in income (another good income stream). 5. Campaign Theme suggestions: Jewelry: Most Romantic Couple / Best Looking Groom & Bride etc anything related to more people in the photos to get more words out per image. Home Products: Best Interior Design with EEkia Products sh...

Affordable Homes and Commercial Units Snapped Up Speed

2 info that are totally on 180 degrees. One is about the price and income of home buyers, another is about the sales of commercial property. Until and unless there is a stronger shift in the consciousness of the government and the private sector for suitable housing catered to the purse strings of our average urban citizen, the reality of the market will show little sign of prices being finally stopped from spiralling out of control. ~ Himanshu Bhatt Affordable homes for Malaysians Based on the accepted guidlines for housing affordability, the housing cost should not exceed 30% of the household's gross income. What this equates to is a large portion of Malaysian only being able to afford homes between RM70,000 and RM150,000. However, the reality of Malaysia's property market is a far cry from this. The homes offered to these buyers, especially in urban areas, are priced mostly between RM450,000 and RM700,000. The Sun, Urban Lifestyle, page S8, Friday, April 29, 2011. ...

A Look At Rewards Redemption Points

A comparison of redemption points between blue B card and platinum C card. Type B Card (Points) C Card (Points) KFC / Pizza Hut RM 50 Voucher 5,600 13,000 Nando RM 40 Voucher 4,000 8,000 Haagan Dazs RM 50 Voucher 5,100 Coffee Bean RM 50 Voucher 5,400 12,000 Tai Thong RM 50 Voucher 4,800 9,000 TGV 2 pcs 2,900 The redemption of vouchers for groceries purchase may give you some "phantom" or "additional" cash flow. Related: 金钱小贴士

History and Politics

3 related articles about politics and history teaching in the school system. What good will our children produce if they score well under such silly-burst (sorry I don't know how to spell syllabus correctly - I guess)? At the end of the day, all one is asking for is due recognition for everyone who had done their bit for this land that we all call home. A hilly island ~ Tunku 'Abidin Muhriz Many historical links between our northern states and Siam are glossed over in the current history books, with only fleeting references to the bunga mas sent by Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu to the King of Siam that has been variously described as “tribute from a vassal to an overlord” to “a fee for outsourced military protection”. So you see, politics does not only invent or distort history; it often leaves massive chunks out of it altogether. http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=60325 Our duty to voice valid concerns I for one may be unhappy about certain things in this cou...

Tax Seasons

Flying McCoy.. I.R.S.... :)


健康就是最大财富。为了让“人人有功练”,培育更多身强体魄的公民,我决定成立一个“人人有功练”健身俱乐部,只要是满18岁以上公民,自动获得一个免费会员籍,如果需要特别教练,我们才另行收费,每一个问题咨询费用只需五毛钱... 问题的本质, 看一看郎咸平教授的见解: “ 公共建设是一锤子买卖,民营经济才会产生滚雪球的现象。 如果你们的实值薪水增长率、实值利润增长率是负的,而GDP的增长率是正的话,那就是大量资源从民营经济转移到公共建设领域的结果。也就是说,我们仍然可以取得亮丽耀眼的GDP增长率,可是我们付出的代价,就是由于民营经济丧失资源,而使各位更贫穷了。 千万不要捡了芝麻丢了西瓜。虽然公共部门能够解决一些就业问题,可是公共部门的就业范围毕竟小,就业人数也有限。而民营经济一旦衰退,所造成的失业量是很大的,那是很可怕的,所以这点我们要注意。” 作为一个天然资源丰富的国家,每一分钱如果可以花在刀口上,发挥最大的经济效益,那它提高的不仅限于人民收入的数目字,而是真正生活素质与购买力的提升。 帮助企业/民营经济从纯制造而走入到利润更高的“六加一”物流环节(“一”是制造,“六”是产品设计、原料采购、仓储运输、订单处理、批发经营、终端零售),做成“六加一”的整合,企业就可创造更可观的利润,给员工更多薪水,让他们消费买很多东西,企业赚更多钱,去做转投资,才有乘数效果。 藏富于民 ,是更可行的方案。

Fads are all the same

Fads (an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, esp. one that is short-lived; a craze) are all the same, whether they cause people to buy or to sell, they never last. When the panic bubble bursts, and investors re-awaken (as they always do), the smartest and wisest are the first to start buying again. BP went from over $60 to $27 in the weeks following the spill in the Gulf... Within six weeks, half of those losses were recovered. Cool-headed investors netted millions. The Dow Jones Industrial Average went from 14,000 to 6,600 in 2008-2009... Within 12 months, it was back up to 11,000. Once again, cool-headed investors netted millions — in some cases even billions. Today, despite record-setting demand, uranium is at year lows. And with the story already five weeks old, the public's attention is shifting... The waiting is coming to an end. The smartest and wisest are getting ready to strike again.

Creation of Money without Money

As I believe that everyone should be rich in our country, unlike in Congo where all the diamonds are owned by one person, the purpose of my written experiences is to encourage the young and the old to participate in the art of business, given the will and the motivation. But, it must be remembered that only a small percentage will succeed. ~ Chan Chin Cheung A better strategy to make money and one that an entrepreneur can exercise better control over involves the age-old concept of coming out with a smart idea, support it with passion, focus and relentless hard work. Access your business model critically so that it can withstand the test of time, change of human tastes and/or regulatory regime. Build the business on sound financial and business footing. Embrace the concept that "There is no free lunch in this world" - make sure the business is "productive" i.e. it produces goods or services that are needed by the society, profits will then follow. ~ Daim Zainuddi...

Banking Products on Precious Metals (Gold)

UOB Gold Bullion product: http://www1.uob.com.my/webpages/b_treasury_gold.htm

Gold Silver Ratio

As at 21st Apr, 2011, 30 days Gold Silver Ratio: 5 years Gold Silver Ratio: Take a look at Gold Silver Ratio over the last 100 years , and you may start to understand what is the greatest wealth transfer in history .

Precious Metals Investment Knowledge Base

I spent quite some time studying gold & silver this morning via Google and Youtube. It's interesting to see that how the well informed and financially educated started taking action back in 2007 and how the public/mass market only react within these few weeks (started since CNY where silver is around MYR3,950/kg to today's MYR6,000+/kg) Now is the time to get educated. Our liberty (freedom) counts. Ron Paul In "Why Gold & Silver?" Movie "The one characteristic of a country that debases its currency, and goes to a paper currency - the currency always self destructs, it always ends." - Ron Paul "It's the biggest scam that has ever been perpetrated, it's amazing that we've gone along with this for close to 100 years." - Mike Maloney Death Of Dollar Via Gold/Silver Manipulation? (CRASH JP MORGAN!) Mike Maloney http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=1IwjoMK461A Manipulated is ended because it's exposed by somebody working on it to...

Why gold could hit $5,000

It's all about supply and demand. Data from the Shanghai Gold Exchange show that China's gold imports reached 230 tons in the first 10 months of 2010. But in only the first two months of 2011, industry experts cited by Standard Chartered estimate that imports hit 220 tons. No doubt, Beijing's somewhat weak-handed efforts to fight inflation are contributing to the rise, as people look to protect their burgeoning wealth from the ravages of rising prices. Even poor peasant farmers in India, if the monsoons are good and the crops are bountiful, will splurge on a grab of gold. These people may not understand the value of interest-rate compounding or portfolio diversification, but they know that gold is an ancient and universally accepted store of value. Gold, of course, is the traditional hedge against inflation for investors. And right now, the inflation threat continues to grow. "Real" inflation-adjusted interest rates are negative since inflation is currentl...

Bazaar Larut Malam

沙登绿野仙踪附近有一片空地,两年来只拿来做泊车用。最近,有人在那片地搞了一个Bazaar Larut Malam,划分了至少500个小摊位租借给小贩们做生意,一个月租金 $450, 450 x 500 = 225,000 225,000 x 12 = 2.7 mil 听说主办单位和地主签了两年租约。 这样,又是一盘一年上百万的生意。 当然,背后并不见得简单,因为除了主意或点子,拥有足够的资源促成也是关键。 1。思维 能把垃圾变黄金吗?别人认为是垃圾的,你可以变成宝吗? Properly educated and you'll be making money at different level. 2。读写算基本 澳洲公寓大王说过,最重要了解钱的流向,你并不需要什么高专业知识。"In this business, you don’t have to be an architect or an engineer or a brick layer, but you have to understand how the money flows." ~ Harry Triguboff Challenges Aussie Dream 3。人际关系/人脉网络 Resources to act 主意敲定了,有没有适当的关系网让你的梦想成真? 4。坚持 在促成整盘业务时面对种种挑战,你是否会坚持到底?太多时候,区别成功者与失败者的就是他们保持并完成梦想的时间:The length of a single great idea. 与成功者交往 , 远比纸上谈兵来得实际。


从历史上看,玩纸币必然经历三个阶段:玩实力,玩信心,玩赖皮! 当帝国过渡扩张力不能及时,财力日渐短拙,则必须玩 10 个瓶子 5 个盖的“杂技”,纸币无法完全兑现商品,通货开始膨胀,此时就进入玩信心的阶段。等到帝国财富已被淘空只剩下一副空架子时,纸币丧失了公信力,恶性通胀发作,此时帝国就只有玩赖皮了。 国际银行家们最关心的就是所谓对美元的信心问题。他们发明了一整套经济学“黑话”体系来修饰问题的本质,诸如“通货膨胀预期”、“量化宽松的货币政策”、“资产再通胀”等。其实用老百姓一看就懂的话就是,美元“毛了”。( 什么是钱? ) 2008年,发源于美国的全球金融危机,标志着美元进入了第三个阶段--玩赖皮!重要特点是美国要赖账,使用的手段便是逼迫其他国家货币大幅升值,美其名曰“全球经济再平衡”,指责他国“操纵汇率”。( Malaysian Gold Dinar Initiative ) 其中更有意思的就是格林斯潘等人讨论的放手让黄金价格暴涨, 让美元大幅贬值,从而“抵消”美国的负债压力 。 他们早就明白黄金的真实价值,那就是黄金才是“诚实的货币”,因其童叟无欺,货真价实,所以在货币体系中承担着“最终的支付手段”。但他们却在世界范围内对其他国家大肆推行“黄金无用论”,对学术界进行系统和长期的“洗脑”,对人民和市场玩弄“强势美元”的文字游戏,从而达到将“美元购买力稳定的理念(深植于)人们的脑海里”的目的。 当市场上黄金白银充当着最诚实、最公正的货币时,银行家们想要作弊将是非常困难的。 金融大鳄一旦疯狂,其野心和胃口将极度膨胀,使全人类跟着遭殃。银行家们能够以花样百出的“行业黑话”来愚弄世界人民,随心所欲地控制货币发行量,周期性地制造各种各样的泡沫和经济危机,通过货币战争搞垮各国金融,并在全球经济的废墟之上,重新构建由极少数人控制的世界统一货币新体系,最终通过控制世界来奴役全人类。( 帝国主义, 粮食危机 ) 国民党退往台湾,当年的约翰劳逃出巴黎,当下被逼下台的埃及总统,他们带走的不是印刷精美的纸币,而是沉甸甸的黄金和白银! 用黄金暴涨来平衡美元负债,将是最后的疯狂之举。注意: 美元的结局:有控制的归零 (美元崩溃决不意味着美国崩溃)

Increase Profit and Revenue Streams with Digital Content

Though this is not a one day subject I try to KISS - Keep It Super Simple. 1. I wrote this compiled notes in 2008, during my ground work (base building) trip in 大中华商圈 (China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan): http://www.slideshare.net/howtze/how-tze-101-i-thought-you-no-need-to-work It is about FREEDOM - an important element towards a better world. 2. I found this around 2006, look into it around 2009, truly understand and implement only last year: http://businessclub.my/AutomatedInternetBusiness/ . It is one of the best investment I ever found suitable for young people with >=100% ROI / month. It is about MULTIPLE STREAMS OF PASSIVE INCOME - a proven way towards personal FREEDOM. 3. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, from my point of view, deals mainly with VIRTUAL products / services - no stock concern, and no physical goods involve in the process. What has all this gotta do with me? DIGITAL CONTENT (Why - What - How) (WHY) We are living in Information Age. Imagine an additio...

Malaysian Gold Dinar Initiative

The usage of dinar was mooted out by Malaysia's fourth prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad. In 2001, Dr Mahathir mooted the idea of a gold payment system — the gold dinar — to settle bilateral and multilateral trades among countries and thereby eliminates foreign exchange risk. In this mode, gold is to be used as a medium of exchange and as a unit of account instead of the national currencies. Prices of exports and imports are to be quoted in units of gold weights. The proposal was to source for an alternative system in the wake of the uncertain economic situation because the conventional system is vulnerable to currency manipulation and speculation. In his book "The Malaysian Currency Crisis, How and Why it happen" Dr. Mahathir explain that Malaysia is a country with strong economic growth, grew 8% plus annually, politically stable and economically resilient. Its currency was strong and its international debts are within accepted limit. Therefore Malaysia w...


伟大的思想家与众不同的一个重要特点,就是对常人司空见惯和熟视无睹的重要事物有着特殊的敏感和深刻的思考。“苹果落地"这个人们千百年来毫不在意的平常得不能再平常的现象,在牛顿的头脑中却激发了对万有引力的大彻大悟。“时间”这个普通得不能再普通的概念,在爱因斯坦的心中却回味无穷,最终导致了相对论的诞生。 千百年来,人们生活在金钱社会之中,为挣钱而忙碌一世的芸芸众生们,有多少人能静下心来认认真真、深入细致地思考一下,究竟什么是“钱”? 经典意义上的钱的概念是相当清楚的。财富的实质就是人们通过劳动所创造出来的各类商品。货币则代表着对这些劳动成果的“索取权”。 任何货币,一旦脱离货币的商品属性这一铁律,最终都难逃不断贬值的下场。 黄金和白银所代表的“经典意义的钱”,就是货币追求的最高境界。 财政赤字的货币化,无论是古代稀释货币的含金量,还是现代的货币“量化宽松”,正是产生通货膨胀的根源。 Related Readings : The End of An Empire - The Roman Empire collapsed when it began shaving the edges of gold and silver coins and mixing them with cheap base metals such as copper. 以债务为抵押的信用货币,其本质就是一张欠条,它不能保证未来真的就能百分百地兑换到原先的价值。 因为它是欠条,如果别人赖账,欠条就成了白条。 当人们已经逐渐忘记了黄金白银才是千百年来最可信赖的真钱时,常把信用货币这种欠条与钱这两个概念混为一谈,以为这种欠条就是钱。 如果挣钱就是挣这种欠条,存钱就是存这种欠条,在欠条不违约时,它就有完全价值,在欠条部分违约时,它就只有部分价值,在欠条完全违约时,它就一文不值! 纯粹纸币的试验初期往往获得惊人的良好效果,但最终这些纸币都贬回它们的原始价值,那就是纸张的成本! 纯粹纸币的制度就其本质而言,就是测试人类贪婪本性的试验。无论货币发行权掌握在政府还是私人之手,也不管执行货币政策的国家是什么样的社会制度,这些并不能改变问题的本质,那就是人性中的贪婪究竟值不值得信赖! 这就是我们在人类文明史上,从来找不到任何一种能够保值的纸币的根源。 如果人类贪...

Next on Reading List

When education becomes applied knowledge, it is a powerful tactic with measurable results. In Unfair Advantage: The Power of Financial Education , readers are advised to stop blindly accepting that they are "disadvantaged" people with limited options and challenge the preconception that they will struggle financially all of their lives. "Required reading" is often misdirected reading. The education you receive in school follows that same pattern. You trust that you are being taught what you need to become successful, to have a meaningful and fruitful life and that promise is not being kept. Learn to convert ordinary income to passive income and have a better life. In plain language - and providing sufficient historical background - we are shown how First Word countries have used "economic hit men," institutions like the World Bank and IMF, coercion and even outright strong-arm tactics to steal from the developing countries - often in coll...

Harry Triguboff Challenges Aussie Dream

In 1963, Harry Triguboff decided to challenge the Great Australian Dream of owning a house on a quarter-acre block. “I looked around and I saw cottages everywhere,” the 77- year-old billionaire said of his decision to start building. “I thought it was time they lived in apartments.” And the rest, is history ... ------------------------------------------------------------- In this business, you don’t have to be an architect or an engineer or a brick layer, but you have to understand how the money flows. That you can only understand if you’re on the site. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-11-23/billionaire-triguboff-remakes-skyline-challenges-aussie-dream.html Stick to what you know best. Meriton builds low cost home units for first home buyers and low income earners. Nothing else. Harry says that’s what they’re best at and that’s all they’ll do. He points to other property developers who expand in to commercial, industrial and retail property to “sustain growth” and then i...

Fine Wine Resources (1-10)

Your additional info towards better wine experience! 10. Plastic Wine Glasses 9. Stemless Wine Glasses 8. Monogrammed Plastic Wine Glasses 7. Acrylic Square Wine Stoppers 6. Acrylic Clear Wine Stoppers 5. 50th Anniversary Wine Glass Charms 4. Vinturi Wine Aerator 3. Holmegaard Wine Glasses 2. Silver Wine Stopper 1. Red Wine Aerator Set

Libya, Oil and Gold

The pile of lies we are told regarding this unfolding drama by the media is absolutely amazing — and it's all designed to keep you from understanding what’s at the heart of the matter: power and oil money. Look at what happening around the world right now... There's chaos in the Middle East and elsewhere, collapse and rioting in Euroland, and wars and rumors of wars as the power junkies jockey for position in almost every corner of the world. The European Union — once advertised as the ultimate “Garden of Eden” utopian model for the world to follow — is in shambles as one country after another line up for a bailout from Germany, the only country within the EU that has any money... The rest are bankrupt and don’t like the terms the Germans are offering. Economic reality has hit. Major changes are in store. In the Middle East, the chaos threatens the economic lifeblood of the global economy: oil. Any disruptions to the flow of oil would be catastrophic to the economies ...

Snatch Thieves Caught on Camera

Near PJ Section 16 U-Turn. The thieves could have followed the victim after he/she left the bank, atm machine, etc., or they would just ride slowly around cars at junctions to see if any items are left on the front passenger seat of potential victims. They normally use a single motorcar “Spark Plug” which is thrown at the window, this breaks the glass almost instantly. To avoid having this happen to you: 1. Do not leave valuable or “valuable looking” items on the passenger seats, front or back, These include handbags, computer bags, ipads, mobile phones, envelopes. 2. If at all possible try to store your valuables under your seat or in the back of the car boot. Do you part to prevent this type of crime, do not be the next victim. ~ Robert Would car recording be required so that every motorist could turn into an angel that could reduce accident and road crimes? (just like the 3rd break light, make it compulsory?)


美国为什么向恐怖主义宣战?美国大还是奥萨马大?为什么一个有国界有领土的“国家”要向一个在地图上找不到板块的“主义”宣战? 看不见的,有时候比看得见的更重要、更大。 在易经的阴阳说里,有阴就有阳,有虚就有实,有看得见的就有看不见的。 天上的飞机能随便飞吗?当然不可以,它有 航道 。可是你去看,航道在哪里?火车的轨道我们看得到,飞机的航道我们看得到吗?飞机的航道是飞机在飞的时候有,飞机不飞的时候就不见了。这跟我们人身上的经络是一样的道理,飞机一落地就好像人结束了自己一生的行程一样,航道随着飞机落地不见了,经络随着人死了也没有了。 中医不会针血管,也不会针骨头、针肉,因为骨头根本针不进去,针肉也没有什么用。中医专针一种西医不懂的东西,叫经络。人一死,气门闭了,经络也就没了。 不要坚持亲眼看到的才相信,要知道,眼睛能看到的是非常非常有限的。 换个焦点,好比“为什么”、“什么”、以及“如何”(why,what,how)一样,虽然他们同等重要,但是“为什么”却是最重要。 只要站在战略制高点看下去,一切将更了然与清晰,胜算自然更高。 现实生活中一个活生生的例子便是,许多专业人士对很多的“什么”与“如何”是非常了解,但要将所有细小的拼图凑成一块美丽的图片,却不是每一个只在技术层面看东西的人所能做到的。也就是资本主义里的一个惯例: 程序编写是五十元一小时的工作、管理是五百元一小时的工作,发展业务则是百万计的工作! Programming may be a $50 an hour job Management may be a $500 an hour work Building a business is a million dollar work! 建立一盘生意,绝对比技术层面需要更多知识与其他无形的资源,要了解的东西可以涵盖 分粥制度 、 钱的流通 、尽量 与成功者交往 , 接触 关于钱,你不能不懂的基本知识 等等 ... 要有钱有闲,关键在于 建立多元化被动收入 。


Reality is what you think is real to you. 在许多人觉得生活越来越难过,前路好像越来越挑战的时候,一样有人在大兴土木建豪宅。 正面看待,人们凭着自己的努力与本事获得更美好舒适的生活是值得鼓励的。 说得更白,一体两面,是机遇是危机,看你怎么看而已。 There is a major shift. some people will benefit enormously from the shift, some people will suffer but that’s the way history is always work. You always have some people doing better and some people in decline. ~ Jim Roger 孟母三迁,可能是租金太贵,更大可能是因为她明白投资在 最终级资产 及 与成功者交往 的重要性。别让螃蟹效应阻碍了你光明的前程! 注:螃蟹效应 - 钓过螃蟹的人或许都知道,篓子中放了一群螃蟹,不必盖上盖子,螃蟹是爬不出去的,因为只要有一只想往上爬,其它螃蟹便会纷纷攀附在它的身上,结果就是把它拉下来,最后没有一只能够爬出去。 夏虫不可语冰,燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉。美妙的中文,三言两语就能让你打发掉那些“小声音”。道不同,不相为谋。


形象的说,部分准备金制度的核心,就是玩 10 个瓶子只有 1 个盖子的游戏,储户的钱就像盖子,银行以盖子为基础放大了 10 倍的信贷就像是瓶子,“只要大家任何时刻只看 1 个瓶子时,盖子总在上面”,游戏就没有穿帮,否则就会出现银行挤兑,严重时就会造成金融危机。 1 个盖子所应对的瓶子越多,玩这个游戏的难度就越大、玩砸得可能性就越高。 ---------------------------- 在目前白银市场中,每一盎司实物白银背后,有100盎司的各类合约号称拥有它! 用幻想出来的99%的“纸白银”交易量,来彻底左右1%的实物白银交易价格,实在是个天才的想法。只要99%的持有“纸白银”的人不来要求兑现白银实物,这个游戏就可以高枕无忧。最后决定白银价格的是国际银行家们永不匮乏的美元,而不是白银真实的供求关系。 白银被彻底妖魔化为普通工业金属。请注意,人们脑海里,工业金属和贱金属几乎可以画等号。 这就是普通人乍听到白银投资觉得莫名其妙的原因!国际银行家巧妙地制造了白银价格长期疲软,并“充分利用了这一心理效应来掩盖白银的货币本质,从而使美元体系的赌局更大更精彩。” 众所周知,此次全球金融危机的祸根就在华尔街,就在美联储。但它们太大,大到不能倒,大到法律约束不了,“资本主义时代的金权与封建主义的王权都是凌驾于法律之上的”。 尽管人们对美国法院能否制裁摩根大通和汇丰银行这样的金融大鳄不报任何幻想,但这件事让全世界的投资人重新认识了白银的价值。正是因为有了几大银行人为地压低白银价格,才使普通投资者遇到了千载难逢的投资机会,而市场的供求关系将保证白银的买方最终战胜做空的大银行。($1 million) ---------------------------- 白银不仅过去是货币,现在仍然具备货币的功能。在美元、欧元、日元和其他纸币风险日益加大的今天,白银具备着明显的对冲整个信用货币体系风险的作用。这也正是 2008 年 9 月 18 日当美元体系出现崩盘的时刻,白银价格一天暴涨 20% 的根本原因。 要挤兑国际白银市场,只要国内投资人将中国每年出口创汇的5000吨白银全部吃掉,动用250亿人民币足矣。250 亿人民币是什么概念呢?就是几支股票基金就能搞定的事。 投资人需要明白的是,你不是在买白银,而是在出售美元纸币!你不仅是在为个人进行投资,而...

Silver Updates

Silver passes MYR 5,000 per kilogram today. CPMI Silver price per kg @ 5/4: We sell: MYR 5,033, We buy: MYR 4,278 Jim Rogers said Don't sell your silver through CNBC on 31 March 2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jraKFphvZcE Investors Pile Into Physical Silver because of its monetary function and industrial demand. According to BullionVault.com: Cell phones used 404.35 tonnes of silver; Computers consumed 684.29 tonnes; Thick film PV consumed 1,461.90 tonnes; Automobiles which used 1,119.75 tonnes; Electrical and electronics demand for silver reached an all-time high of 7,555.21 tonnes; Solar power demand in 2011 is expected to reach 2,177.29 tonnes, up 40% from 2010; RFID tags in 2010 reached between 31 and 62 tonnes with a long way to go before reaching full market; Water purification used 62 tonnes, and is set to grow to 74.65 tonnes; Medical applications may grow strongly to reach 93.3 tonnes by 2015; The use of nano-silver in goods packaging and hygiene co...

Currency Wars 3

在银行家们看来,控制货币是一场伟大的斗争,控制货币的发行和分配就是为了控制财富、资源和全人类。欲控制世界,必先征服货币;欲征服货币,必先征服黄金;欲征服黄金,则必先征服白银。 相关 : 白银的人民战争

Hardly Feel Like A Loser

You hardly feel like a loser when you have multiple streams of passive income coming in EVERYDAY and the best thing is: it is always on the positive side of the chart, unlike other investment class such as forex, shares, options, futures etc where you could be losing your money just because of a wrong timing or a wrong trade! Do a comparison - Forex and other asset class , another comparison - Silver and other asset class , and truly understand what Automated Internet Business is all about, and you get such conclusion: 1. Assets that provide incoming, passive cash flow every month (or day!) gives you freedom 2. Solid Assets (实物资产) such as precious metals - Gold and Silver ( Silver, $36, $37, $38 ... $50? ), protects your wealth from inflation.