Snatch Thieves Caught on Camera

Near PJ Section 16 U-Turn. The thieves could have followed the victim after he/she left the bank, atm machine, etc., or they would just ride slowly around cars at junctions to see if any items are left on the front passenger seat of potential victims.

They normally use a single motorcar “Spark Plug” which is thrown at the window, this breaks the glass almost instantly. To avoid having this happen to you:

1. Do not leave valuable or “valuable looking” items on the passenger seats, front or back, These include handbags, computer bags, ipads, mobile phones, envelopes.
2. If at all possible try to store your valuables under your seat or in the back of the car boot.

Do you part to prevent this type of crime, do not be the next victim. ~ Robert

Would car recording be required so that every motorist could turn into an angel that could reduce accident and road crimes? (just like the 3rd break light, make it compulsory?)




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