Hardly Feel Like A Loser

You hardly feel like a loser when you have multiple streams of passive income coming in EVERYDAY and the best thing is: it is always on the positive side of the chart, unlike other investment class such as forex, shares, options, futures etc where you could be losing your money just because of a wrong timing or a wrong trade!

Do a comparison - Forex and other asset class, another comparison - Silver and other asset class, and truly understand what Automated Internet Business is all about, and you get such conclusion:

1. Assets that provide incoming, passive cash flow every month (or day!) gives you freedom
2. Solid Assets (实物资产) such as precious metals - Gold and Silver (Silver, $36, $37, $38 ... $50?), protects your wealth from inflation.




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!