Creation of Money without Money

As I believe that everyone should be rich in our country, unlike in Congo where all the diamonds are owned by one person, the purpose of my written experiences is to encourage the young and the old to participate in the art of business, given the will and the motivation. But, it must be remembered that only a small percentage will succeed. ~ Chan Chin Cheung

A better strategy to make money and one that an entrepreneur can exercise better control over involves the age-old concept of coming out with a smart idea, support it with passion, focus and relentless hard work. Access your business model critically so that it can withstand the test of time, change of human tastes and/or regulatory regime. Build the business on sound financial and business footing. Embrace the concept that "There is no free lunch in this world" - make sure the business is "productive" i.e. it produces goods or services that are needed by the society, profits will then follow. ~ Daim Zainuddin

Don't be jealous of tycoons like Tan Chin Tuan, Robert Kuok or the Shaw Brothers. They are people of their time. They are history. You can never catch up with them. Do your own thing and do it well and you will be there!

My tycoon friend from Singapore once told me about his observation of the major cities in the Western hemisphere in the 1960s. He said, "Doc, if you visit these places, the first thing you will notice is that all the large buildings are either owned by the banks or the insurance companies." From this simple observation, he became a tycoon!

In Malaysia, the financial market was beginning to boom. I thought it best to operate in a market where more hands were needed to handle the money which would be in increasing amounts. The workload would be more than the number of participants in the business. There would be something satisfying for willing minds and willing hands.

It is obvious if you want to be filthy rich you cannot be a hairdresser, bookie, masseur or a tradesman like a petrol station owner!

一个大都会的房地产市场,毕竟还是少数者拥有大多数产业,这意味着上市公司、政府附属公司、房地产投资信托基金、组织或机构、外资公司将在未来管理或控制大部分的主要产业。这些少数的单位应该拥有大多数的主要产业,并从中享有巨大的利润。这是政府更应该关注的,并非普通老百姓的投资。~郑水兴,红番茄周报 22/4/2011




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!