Solar Power


This Page Will Blow Your MindWho needs oil? Let's hope we see more of these !

In June Belgium introduced the first solar train to the world.A public-private consortium consisting of Belgian rail management company Infrabel and solar developer Enfinity has installed 16,000 solar panels on the roof of a 3.4 km (2.1 miles) long tunnel between Antwerp and the Dutch border, creating enough electricity to power 4,000 trains a year. 

This includes both conventional and high-speed trains. The 3.3 gigawatts of solar energy each year is used to generate power for the trains and the infrastructure (signalling, lighting, heating of railway stations etc.,).The project is based on an average of 900 hours of sunlight a year. 

The total cost of the project is 15.7 million euros ($22.12 million).Enfinity says that by cutting out the middle man, the grid operator, it can offer electricity about 30 percent cheaper. Infrabel benefits from being able to sell cheaper electricity to its customers, which include the Belgian railways and private high-speed operator Thalys.

這條太陽能高速公路位於比利時 長3.6公里 一年發電量330萬千瓦 超越核四的270萬千瓦 並且沒有後續處理廢料的費用 每3.6公里造價6.5億台幣 遠遠低於核四預計追加到的3300億台幣 大多太陽能板來自台灣 立刻廢核四 改蓋這條公路 我們還能省3200多億 剩下的問題 是做不做與為何不做了!




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