Predict Your Own Financial Future

Most financial advisors say you can't predict the future. These experts claim you can't pick a market's top or bottom. And since you (or they) can't predict the future, they advise that you just leave your money with them for the long term.

For most people, this is good advice because they don't have the financial education to know any better.

But for those who want to get rich, understanding what the future holds is one of the best ways to gain an inside track towards wealth.

The best way to anticipate what the future will bring is to study the past, or prognosticate. Robert's rich dad often said, "There's a difference between a fortune-teller and a prognosticator." That's why he encouraged Robert to take the study of history seriously because in studying the trends of the past, it becomes easier to see the potential patterns of the future.

The times are rapidly changing, and if you want to be rich, your approach to money and investing has to change too. ~ Rich Dad's Tip

Take the Next Step...By Creating Your Own Future

There's different financial advice for different people. Poor people listen to (and act on) poor advice, mostly because that's all they know.

Poor people invest in the investment tools for the poor because that is the only option they have with their limited financial knowledge.

To become rich, Robert recommends investing in your financial education to get the kind of advice that the rich follow.

A solid financial education allows you to know the difference between good advice and bad advice, rich advisors and poor advisors. (For example: creation of money without money through solid businesses, and Precious Metals investment knowledge base which related mostly to silver as part of wealth protection)

If you want to become rich--and remain that way--it's important to know what financial advice is best for you.




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!