Blood-in-the-streets Investing : Buy Fear and Sell Greed

Quote from the 1800's, by the father of a still-prominent banking dynasty:
The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets. ~ Baron Rothschild

My readers and I buy fear and sell greed.

This is "blood-in-the-streets investing," pure and simple.

The 19th century banking magnet Baron Von Rothschild is credited with saying, "The time to buy is when blood is flowing in the streets, even if it's your own." He made a fortune buying Paris real estate after Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.

The idea is quite simple: When everyone is selling and no one is buying, the price must be low. Furthermore, when the buyers return — and buyers always return to true value — they will pay a premium as they rush back in.

Crisis and Opportunity will coolly buy when others sell in panic... and sell back to them when the herd changes direction and tells each other, "Now is a smart time to buy."

On the other hand, if you have the head to coolly buy from those who panic and sell to fools who think they are smart... if 1,000%-plus profits are important to you...

Christian DeHaemer




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