
For the sake of freedom - 已没有人可以吭声?

For the sake of freedom

To be fair to the Merdeka generation of leaders, they could not possibly have envisaged how laws designed to combat communist terrorists would be used against legitimate political dissenters, but let us hope that the current generation of leaders understand the destructiveness (to themselves and to the nation) of their current behaviour.
~ Tunku ’Abidin Muhriz (founding president of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs)

Source: http://www.thesundaily.my/news/93648


一开始他们来抓犹太人,我没吭声,因为我不是犹太人;后来他们来抓共产党,我没吭声,因为我不是共产党。后来他们来抓工联成员,我没吭声,因为我没有加入工联;后来他们来抓天主教徒,我没吭声,因为我是新教徒;最后他们来抓我时,已没剩任何人可以吭声。~ 德国牧师尼莫勒(Martin Niemoller)

应该关心的 6个人 : http://www.redtomato.com.my/news/%E8%AF%84%E8%AE%BA/8151.html